A lot has been happening lately. And by a lot, I mean a lot of time wasted. Somehow, I played a lot of games during this weekend, but I doesn't feel worthwhile. I played Starcraft, I didn't feel any joy and fun that I used to have when playing it. So, I played with my elder brother, to "Regain my Honour" so to speak. It didn't work either, the weekend felt gloomy, boring, motionless although time passed by. I didn't work on my gundam models at all either, I guess I was mentally tired from the Military Units.
Oh, I won against my elder brother 3 times. But, somehow it felt as if he was giving me a chance. I'm not really sure, but I want to battle him again, and this time I'm asking him to train a lot first. I guess that would be hard to do for him, because he has work and all. I guess I'll get a video of the battle against him up next week, I'll also try adding stuff to it to make it more interesting. Don't worry I won't change anything that happened during the battle. Last of all, the Starcraft Battle Net finally managed to update, so now it is possible to play using wireless network connection instead of having to attach cables to enable the game to play multiplayer games, IPX and UDP. IPX is cable and UDP is wireless network. And that's all for Starcraft. Wait, one more thing, Starcraft II is out this September, 27th of September 2010 to be exact. This can be preordered through a number of sites which you can find on the main website.
I have recently purchased a new Iron Man model to add to my collection but you won't see any of those on my blog. Should I post them?? Anyway, I now have Iron Man Mark I, Mark II, Mark III and Iron Monger. The new model I purchased was War Machine, It is quite small and has limited articulation but I looked special and better than the other models. I have always like robots with Gatling Guns anyway. The shop also sold other Iron Man models like Mark III, Mark IV and Mark V but they are not really painted that well. I guess it is also because of the price which is less than RM20. So, I might put it on my blog or just leave it in my collection. Oh, and I also saw an Iron Man model for the Marvel Universe Version not the one based on the movie. It really looked nice!!! I wanted to buy it but, after thinking back I didn't. I should save up first and then I buy it.
Games!!! I am now playing Starcraft, Brave Fencer Musashi, Digimon Rumble Arena and Megaman Legends. Except for Starcraft the others are for the Playstation. But I downloaded the emulator and played those games. The game that is still downloading is Army Men Sarge's Heroes and the other Army Men series. Brave Fencer Musashi is a very interesting game. Both needing you to think about solving the problems and skill to execute certain moves and reach your goal. This game is an old game, but usually the old games are fun. That's my opinion anyway and I don't mean the new ones are not fun. Megaman Legends to me lacks a lot of what Brave Fencer Musashi had, it is not very easy to execute moves. For example, the camera does not rotate to suit your view but you have to manually rotate. The other thing is you cannot fire while locked on target while moving. So you have to run, lock on, fire and repeat it over and over again. Brave Fencer Musashi is a better choice!!
Gundam Report!!! I am currently working on my Shiba-I Sazabi. But, I didn't work on it this weekend. It took a while to work on the colours, I had to mix red and white to get the right colour. It doesn't look exactly the same but it'll work. Other than that I am planning to fix up my MG Unicorn Gundam Ver.Ka. I would probably throw and remove the decals, they look horrible to me. I guess that's it. Ba bye.