Sunday, 5 June 2011

RGM-79FP GM Striker and RX-78GP03 Dendrobium Stamen!!

During the long period in which I hardly updated my blog, I actually finished 2 HG Gundam Model Kits. They were, as I have written for the title of my post GM Striker and Dendrobium Stamen or GP03. I bought them mainly because these 2 kits appealed to me in some way. I just liked the design of the models and so I purchased them. I started on my RX-78GP03 Dendrobium Stamen first before moving on to my RGM-79FP GM Striker.

So first my Stamen. I the only parts I painted were the blue parts, meaning all the blue even the ones which were already blue to make sure the colours for each part was the same. I also painted the red on the inside of the thrusters. The mixture used was 1 part blue and 2 parts flat white. I was pleased with the blue colour I had, not so dark yet not that bright as well. Originally the blue was very dark, so I had to mix the colours. I have also tried something I have never done before on this kit, that is gluing clear green parts for the Sensors on the head and the 2 light on the legs. Had some problems at first but, yeah, managed to fix it. The legs however had scratches on them because maybe I was sanding them too hard to get rid of the excess dark grey paint for the legs. But nothing much I could do about it. So there you have in my RX-78GP03 Gundam GP03 or Dendrobium Stamen!!!

(Above) Here you can see the clear parts I glued on using Tamiya Plastic Cement. For the eyes however I didn't really want to go to all the trouble so just coloured them Metallic Green using the Gundam Marker.

(Above) The inside of the thruster, but you can't really see the red colour...

(Above) Articulation for the Arm and Leg. Not very good though, slightly more than 90 degrees. Now this limits the poses I was able to make with this model.

(Above) The weapons and shield for this model, it has the XBR-BOWA M-82A Beam Rifle , Folding Bazooka, Beam Sabre and the Folding Shield.

(Above) The model came with 2 different hands for each side, gripped and open. The model also came with a core fighter. Unfortunately, the core fighter can't be folded or be placed in the torso.

(Above) With Beam Rifle and Folding Shield mounted on. Also with the Folding Bazooka, for that however I folded the shield, to make it easier to mount the bazooka.

Now for my RGM-79FP GM Striker. I actually only started this model 2 weeks ago, the GP03 was earlier this year I think. But the gap between these 2 was, maybe, 4 months. Anyway, I actually put in a lot of thinking into this model. I thought of whether I should paint all the yellow parts but I ended up deciding on trying to mix the paints so that I get a colour as similar as possible to the yellow parts, the yellow parts were more orange actually. The mixture used was 1 part orange 3 parts flat white. The colour is very close, I had to continuously add the flat white and see how close the colour was to the plastic. Carrying on, I ended up painting all the parts which were supposed to be white, a kind of greenish greyish white, with a mix not following the manual at all. I looked at the ready made pictures that they usually give in the manual and the white used was quite white. I don't think you understood that... Anyway, I mixed 2 parts dark grey, 1 part light green and 13 parts flat white. This actually took a long time, I added white bit by bit until I got the colour I wanted. For the cockpit hatch and all the other red parts, I used 1 part red, 2 parts orange. Oh, I also painted all the parts in need of painting the base colour flat white for the best results. And I am very pleased with this model. The paint got scratched however at the knee joint and mixing the paint is a real pain, so I just leaving it for now. Should have sand the parts first to leave a small gap. Luckily this happened after taking the photos so not much of a problem.

(Above) Standard Front back view, equipped with weapons and shield. What appealed the most about this suit was that it is mainly used for close combat, the spear was replicated from RX-78-2's Beam Javelin.

(Above) The Weapons and shield, I did not include its optional ranged weapon, the 100mm Machine Gun, which I will show later on. The shield has 2 extend-able spikes which is also used in close combat.

(Above) The insides of the thrusters and the joints, the small part inside were all painted flat white. I painted the weapons a different mix, 1 part dark grey and 5 parts flat white. I also did the same thing with the sensor, cut out a clear part and glued it there.

(Above) The articulation for the arms and leg. I am actually very pleased with the arm's articulation, enabling it to grab its beam sabre. For the leg, not so pleased however...

(Above) I really like the 100mm Machine Gun, kinda reminds me of the MAT 49 sub-machinegun which I use in the game BlackShot!!! The left hand can be changed to make it hold the gun, with the articulation of the hand itself. I took off the shield to make it easier to the action poses.

(Above) Last of all ATTACK!!! with the spear. The beam sabre can also be bent down to look like a scythe. Well something like that. And I just realized, my GM Striker is missing a part!!! Wahahahaah!!! Can't believe I didn't realize that...

Well, there you have it one long post to fill the spaces. I can't really post stuff nowadays, much to do so little time. Well that's all then, FINISH!!!! Ba bye!!!
