Kamen Rider W or Kamen Rider Double has been something to, well, look forward to because it has introduced some new things into the Kamen Rider series. I will be rating this series on the following aspects, storyline, design, characters, special effects, humour and action.

First of all, storyline. Kamen Rider W has a solid story. However, it was the transformation scene that really gave the kick. It was like, first henshin, I mean second since they henshin already when they got the belt and the gaia memories. The enemy is in front of him, almost burns the front of his hat, then, without feeling scared or nervous and stuff (well of course, because they transformed many times before, wait that means it is the henshin number?) pulls out a gaia memory and activates it "JOKA!!!". Yeah, that was it. But the disappointing part was I thought they would merge, combined power of man squared. But instead, the other guy, Phillp faints and Shoutarou tranforms to the body of W. It is pretty sad for Phillp, you know, fainting every time they henshin. So the story is okay, nothing to fancy, but with a nice old fashioned detective storyline. The solid story is good, but not too good. Nothings perfect so maybe 8.5 out of 10. Yeah, I know, writing a review and he says maybe.

For design, well, this is what Kamen Rider W accels in. The design for the Kamen rider goes back to Ichigo, the grasshopper. I've always liked the grasshopper design on them. So, very nice. An added point for both sides of W being symmetrical and only a small amount of difference, apart from colour that is, which is a major difference. In most ways a simple yet interesting design to add to the list of Kamen Rider. For design, I also take into count the execution of his capabilities. I mean, can he henshin easily, is it bothersome in anyway and most importantly, does it take a long time. The only downside to this awesome system is if one is down, W is down, as simple as that. The reason that he can just put the belt on, activate the gaia memory and then transforms after his partner inserts his gaia memory is what makes him transform with ease. I mean, just "juitttt" then "juitttt" then "SAIKURON", "JOKA" tet tet tetttt and he becomes Kamen Rider. The part of changing forms is also something new. Being able to merge 3 by 3 forms gives him incredible flexibility and 9 different forms. Unlike other Kamen Riders, having to go through the same phase all over again, or some new way of transformation, he can just "teeeewwww" then "juittt" on either or both sides and then, wow, new form, new ability, unique design!!! different colour.... He does have to activate the new gaia memory for his form but what I wrote was pretty much what you'll hear, no time to hear the "RUNA" or "METARU".
The same can't be said for the side rider Kamen Rider Accel, whose design is nothing else but unique too. The only problem, quite a slow henshin compared to W. The final forms disappoint me in many ways. It goes the other way around while still slow in henshin speed. This time W gets a, well not so nice design, while, accel turns to Trial with a cool motocross design. The special effects does make up a little for it but I'll touch on that later. Overall design is great but henshin grows slower, and a little bothersome. So 9.0 on design, 6.4 on henshin speed and 9.0 on whether it is bothersome or not, the higher meaning not so bothersome and lower meaning difficult to initiate. All in all its a 8.1 for design.

Special Effects are not that good unfortunately. I mean, I recently watched Kamen Rider Faiz and the animation has been pretty much the same. The special effects for the maximum drives were mostly just a large explosion. But apart from the unrealistic look of the animation, it was okay. I was expecting a more kick for his finisher, I mean when the drop kick or Joker Extreme happens the ground is uneffected, no cracks due to the enormous amount of force from the kick just a cool explosion. The animation is cool, special effects, abundant, but not too epic. So, 7.5 for special effects.
Humour, actually plays a nice role in the story, mostly by Akiko. It's not those stories that make you laugh and roll on the floor till your tears pour out, no, but it lightens the story gives it a little freedom. This makes the story not to serious, not too funny until you don't take it seriously but controlled to an amount that you like. A 8.9 for humour.
For action, there are times where the action is just limited to kicking the enemy, take a few hits, then punch the enemy until they reach a point where they hardly move as the finisher kicks in and bam... finish. However, most of the action are Kamen Rider is like that so I lower the standard to Kamen Rider instead of the original setting Gundam 00. It is nice looking at them punch and kick and still maintain the coolness of the rider, but on the second episode for example, a sudden burst of action which was fully animated was shown. Not that I don't like it, but the action in all Kamen Rider series has been rather low, not to the point that you say Woah!! I mean this is excluding the Maximum Drive. I always wanted it to be like he kicks the enemy and the enemy is thrown to the wall and causes a crack there. Then, he jumps to the enemy and throws him to one side and continue the punching. I always wanted fast action. Its always just, punch, punch, punch the enemy rolls on the floor. So, with the Gundam 00 setting, this would get a 2.3, with the standard setting, 5.6, but knowing the audience this series appeals to and lowering the standard more it gets a 6.7.
So, all in all this gets a 9.5 rating over 10. I must say, it is something new to the Kamen Rider series', 2 people transform to a single Rider and stuff like that. So, this is a must watch for those fans out there, and maybe for those of you who just like watching stuff like this, you might take this into consideration.
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