There are sometimes that when you look at something, an object of some kind, you'll go "Oooohhhh, this looks awesome!!" For me when I look at these objects, or in this case Keychains!! there are some which I just had to buy due to its look, and also asked any of my relatives to buy me some when they go travelling to different countries, all of which also look awesome!! The keychains I like are usually the metal keychains, because they last longer, and who wouldn't say that something shiny doesn't look, at the very least appealing. I don't have that big of a collection, that's why I regard this as a side hobby, my main one of course being building Gundam models.
There you go, 34 keychains, not all of them metal but a majority of them are. I didn't get that many from other countries, some nice ones I obtained and purchased locally, and of course, pleasing to look at!! Ohohoho~
Now to first from the upper left corner, these keychains being obviously from Australia. The leather one was of course something different for me but at the other end the standard plastic keychain. The metal one in the middle was really well made and has a unique joint to allow the keychain to rotate.
And these!! Newly obtained from Japan, thanks to my sis for buying them for me, and had just been added to the collection. But I have to say, the japanese have a thing for small items, cause these are a lot smaller than the others. Still look awesome though!!
Ohoho!! These ones came all the way from South Korea!! And the first one on the right (not the P90, the bullet) was from the company that made Blackshot!! The bullet was however made for a different game, Cross Fire. The second one is a type of drum, I think, and the last one's suppose to be Dog Tags.

These ones I got locally, and also quite a long time ago, I can't remember when. I especially like the one in the second picture, the main one I took a picture of. The above 2 are made of wood sadly, and I hardly use them, just keep them for collection.
Last of my collection, my gun keychains!!! Bwahahaha!!! I just recent added the AK-47 to the collection, also from my sis (big thanks too!!) the other 3 have been in my collection longer. I especially like the P90!!
Well, that's all from my collection, I just actually wanted to increase my number of posts for this month, and since I had just received my keychains from Japan, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to post about my keychain collection. That's all, and an update on my Heavyarms, I have yet to finish the weapons, everything else needs touching up.
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