Sunday, 20 December 2009

A Trip To....

Wow, now this was quite an amazing month for me. I think it was the first time I went to 2 different places in the same month. I just came back from Kuching as you know from my previous post but then I went to Bintulu. So, I thought I should update my blog as soon as I arrived and I did. Recently, I have been playing games that I have played a long time ago. The game is Virtual On, the game that inspired my drawings of robots. If you watch the video I have uploaded you will realize that it looks just like the robot in the game. Well, that's because he was my favourite character and my main inspiration. But now I have managed to edit my robot base design, which I have not shown, so it would not look the same.

I am not the one playing in this video, I downloaded it from the official website. Just to tell you the latest version of this game was in 2004, Virtual On Marz for the PS2 and it is the one I am showing you now. However, the one I have been playing is an older version of the game, I remember playing when I was still really young, around my primary school years. The first to be released was Virtual On, the one I am playing, the second was Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, the third was Virtual On Force and the last one was Virtual On Marz. It is a really good game. But only the first was released for the computer I think, the other were for consoles like, Dreamcast, PS2 and Virtual On Force was only available on arcade, if I am not mistaken. That's the reason why I did not buy Virtual On Marz, I did not have the console, but only recently did I realize there were emulators. I'm so sad. Well, this is all I got, I really didn't have anything to post.


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