Monday, 12 November 2012

MG XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam is now finished!!

I have been working on a model, which I never really mentioned in my previous posts, mainly because I didn't remember to mention it. So my poor Shenlong was built in silence... well, since I always build models in silence anyway, other than the computer playing tunes repeatedly. I've always like the models in the Wing universe, I started liking gundam models from this universe anyway, and apart from Heavyarms which  was always my favourite, I had a small liking for Shenlong. But when I saw Nataku, I liked it even more! Then the MG for this model was announced and immediately I knew I had to get it. Thankfully at that time, my older bro decided in having all five of the Gundam models in Gundam Wing, Wing, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Shenlong, so I decided in getting Heavyarms and Shenlong for my part in the collection. Anyways, I actually very happy with the model, excellent build quality, the model looks great, nub marks are easily hidden, and it feels pretty solid! I uploaded quite a few photos, enjoy!

(Above) I try not using the stickers and paint on the details for the eyes and sensors instead. I was surprised actually seeing how they turned out to be shiny. 

(Above) The model from various angles, I thinned out the panel-lines for the shield by scratching it off with a satay stick, which was sharpened a little. But maybe a little thicker would look good too...

(Above) The pilot, tried as best I can to take a photo of him inside. Hopefully, he is visible, that Wufei.

(Above) Size of the pilot in comparison. I painted his skin using Tamiya Desert Yellow. And it works pretty well, was too lazy to mix paints for such a small amount, no offense Wufei...

 (Above) The Dragon Fang!! Might be the actual reason behind me buying this model, though I wanted a little more solid weight on it, it still looks cool!

(Above) The Beam Trident. Its pretty hard to pose the model with it compared to the Dragon Fang.

Well, that's pretty much it. I didn't take any photos for the progress when completing the model, cause I was having too much fun building it, I didn't have the heart to stop in the middle. An awesome model in the end!!


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