Sunday, 26 October 2008

A Post Full of Trash

Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! In this post I will talk about anything and everything that makes no sense, example:

The monkey jumps on the butterfly and the butterfly kills it with a flower.

Makes no sense right. But I'm sure you'll like it.

Think of life as a donkey going with the flow and any time soon the donkey will be knocked down or get food.
Don't be so sure whether the lion will eat a deer but it might change and eat a fruit.
Feel the energy flowing through your body use it well, do something smart or dumb, do the right thing, buy a gundam.
When you find any of your old stuff don't throw it away. Sell it? Maybe not. Find something useful for it. If not, see whether it can help something else.
Gundam and hug both start with a 'G' am I right.
When you correct something use the right equipment to do so. If you want to clean up your mess incinerate it. If you want to sweep the floor use a broom. If you want a straighten your friend... use a hammer.
Be sure to appreciate what people give you, use it, keep it. If not, don't appreciate it.
When you count till ten count quickly so you don't miss the train while waiting.
If a black cat crosses your path what happens... nothing it just slows you down if you're using a car.
If you spill some salt throw some over your shoulder if you spill some nails you'd better not throw that over your shoulder.
Do what you want.. kill animals, buy stuff just accept the consequences.
When you go hunting don't bring a gun... if you're hunting for a product in a store that is.
Don't get mad so fast when people punch you or tease you. When you get home take it out on your pillow.

That's the end of it. Hope you enjoy the entertainment. Don't do what this blog is telling you to do. It's just for fun.


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