Sunday, 21 February 2010

Street Fighter 4 Review!!!

So far, Street Fighter has been my favourite fighting game, maybe since I was a kid. Back then I used to play Street Fighter Zero 2 or Alpha 2 as I have said in one of my previous posts. Why is it my favourite? Well, maybe because it was the first I have played and the best one I am at too. I have tried other fighting games, like Soul Calibur, Bloody Roar, Digimon Rumble Arena, Pocket Fighter, or Guilty Gear. But most of these were introduced to me by my cousins, they had a Play Station 2, I, however, don't. So, I couldn't spend time playing those games.

Well, I brother downloaded the new Street Fighter 4. I could say I was both impressed and a little disappointed with the game. The graphics were really, really good compared to the previous ones, and the special effects were really good too. But they limited the super combos for each player to 1 and 1 ultra too. While in the previous ones they had at least 2 super combos. But the game was good and hard. So far my favourite characters are Akuma (still very strong) and Fei Long.

(Above) Akuma. My favourite character since when I first played Street Fighter Zero 2. After that I tried other characters like Charlie.

(Above) Fei Long. So far, I have only tried using him when playing Street Fighter 4. There's something cool about him.

Well, just to sum it all up, you should try playing Street Fighter 4. I requires a lot of graphics and RAM I guess. That's all, now back to using Akuma in Street Fighter 4. Dang you Rufus!! Arghhh!! I'm gonna beat ya up!!!


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