Well, 2 days into the game and I have only obtained an extra 46 pokemon, either through evolution or catching, I haven't traded with anyone yet. That means I have 196 pokemon in my pokedex, quite slow for me. What slowed me down was I went Unown hunting. Yeah, went to the Solaceon City and while I bred certain pokemon that you can obtain only by breeding, I went looking for Unown. It appears that there are many Unown that can be obtained in rooms with dead ends and only 1 type for each floor or the deeper you go into the cave. But anyway, I have caught a Scyther and bred it almost immediately to get a stronger one, luckily, I still had my Kricketune so the younger Scythers were stronger (they all had X-Scissor). Yes, now I am slowly making my team of pokemon, changing a few like Torterra, with Sceptile, and Machoke with a Scyther.

The picture above, is my Charizard, yes, my beautiful, SHINY, Charizard!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I also seems that I have mistaken the type of food it likes, it likes dry food...

And the next one is my beautiful, SHINY Eevee!!! I bribed my younger brother with it because he likes using Eevees and its evolutions as his pokemon team.

Yup, showing you I have 196 pokemon seen on my pokedex!!!
That's all, a short post today I guess...
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