Friday, 30 April 2010

Military Units: Finally in the Frontline!!

Yay!! I have successfully completed working on my Military Units. This was the longest model, or models I guess because there are 3 of them, I have worked on. Mainly because there are 3 units and it requires a lot of painting. I was actually a little disappointed with the articulation points this model had. I had only 4 articulation points!! But, it was a 3 in one model so I quess that can be expected. Now, I am working on my Shiba-I Sazabi. It would look great with him in front of the 3 Military Units.

(Above) Fully equipped Military Units!! All 3 of them!! The one in the middle is painted with titanium gold paint, the same gold I used on my Shiro Oni Zaku III.

(Above) The first Military Unit I worked on.

Actually there were 3 sets bought, but we, my bro me and my other bro, changed the units so we all work on 1 group like Phoenix, Tiger and Dragon. I picked Phoenix because I like the colour red a lot more than the other choices. I took a picture of the flag too so you can see the wordings on it. The Military Units were fun and tiring to finish but I was glad I could finally put them aside.


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