Thursday, 26 November 2009


This post might be strange, because I don't usually post about recipes and everything. But, hey, Raya's coming soon so I thought maybe I should post something special. So, cookies it is!! Now first of all you'll need to follow the instructions (you might want to print it out) :

Neiman-Marcus Cookies

(Recipe may be halved as this makes heaps)

2 (500 ml) cups butter

680 g chocolate chips 4 (1000 ml) cups flour

2 (500 ml) cups brown sugar

2 teaspoons (10 ml) Bicarbonate of soda

1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt

2 (500 ml) cups sugar

500 g Grated Cadbury chocolate

5 (1250 ml) cups blended oatmeal

4 eggs

2 teaspoons (10 ml) baking powder

2 teaspoons (10 ml) vanilla

3 cups (375 ml) chopped nuts (optional)

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to fine powder.

Cream the butter and both sugars.

Add eggs and vanilla, mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.

Add chocolate chips, grated chocolate and nuts.

Roll into balls, place two inches apart on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees (180 C).

The above quantities make 112 cookies. Enjoy!

So the whole part which I coloured a different colour is based directly from the recipe sheet of paper. No these cookies can vary in size, it depends on your liking. Just so you know, the smaller ones harden faster than the bigger ones. Don't eat the cookies right after they come out because they are still soft so wait just a few minutes or so. So on to the pictures !!

(Above) This is the mixture in which you have to take a small amount and roll it up into ball shaped thingies...

(Above) See. Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll em' up!!

(Above) And there. You should have a nice round ball to place on the tray.

(Above) This is how you prepare the tray. Spread margerine all over and make sure you do it evenly.

(Above) Then, you put flour. Don't spread it with your hands but tap the side and let the flour fall into place, evenly and beautifully.

(Above) You should have it look like this when you're done. These cookies have yet to be placed in the oven. Don't put them too close together because they expand.

(Above) You should have the cookies be like this when they are done, they will easily come off after a few seconds of waiting. These cookies have already been baked in the oven for 10 minutes.

(Above) Just to prove I followed the original recipe and not try and sabotage it. Bwahahaha!!!

(Above) There, you should have them ready after all that. So, enjoy the cookies, and you can also have them on a special occasion. They really are delicious you know!!!


Friday, 20 November 2009


The tale is told,
Of the footwear we wear,
We sometimes don't appreciate it,
Other times we do.

Have you ever thought,
What in the world would happen,
If ever shoe or slipper,
Or boot or sneaker.

Would retaliate against us,
For the treatment they get,
For we step on them,
What if, they stepped on us.

We would be out numbered for sure,
Every family, having more than one pair,
We might not even go out,
We would be filled with fright.

If we put on our footwear,
It would attack,
What would we do,
Could we fight?

Think again,
We throw them away,
When they no longer provide,
The needed protection.

What if that was us,
How would we feel?
They have experienced dirt,
Filth, mud and water.

We take them for granted,
For what they do for us,
What have we done for them,
How much do we owe them.

Footwear is improtant,
We need them most often,
Think about how we wear them,
How they protect us.

How would they feel,
If they are not used,
What should we do,
The right thing, for sure.

We should.


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

My SD Gundam

I know I said I was going to post about something else but, this is my first SD that I painted almost completely so I thought it would be nice to post about it. This SD was from KL, my sister bought it with the money my brother gave her for her to buy it. At first, I thought they were for him, but right after he took it he said "Here, this is for you" or something like that. I liked it but I liked another one better.

Soon, I fell in love with this one and almost completely forgot about the other one. The feeling I get when assembling a Gundam is like everything disappears from your mind and you focus on that, only so it was fun. This Gundam would have taken me less than an hour to complete without painting it or doing the linings, but it took me 2 days and is still not complete, the horns have yet to be coloured. This is a very nice and the most tiring Gundam I had to work with, I thought that SD would be a piece of cake, well, I was wrong.

The colouring was killer. For example, one part, the shoulder armour was completely blue, but after colouring, the silver and gold parts were added. Colouring took me about 3 hours, excluding assembly. The lining took me a longer time which I forgot to calculate so I don't really know how long it took. The 1/100 and 1/144 would have been much easier. Now to show you :

(Above) the box of this SD Gundam model. From all sides except the back. This Gundam looks really nice and most SD Gundam have a lot of gold colouring, so you might need 2 gold markers to paint it if you want one.

(Above) The parts that have yet to be opened, Ohhhhh!! The waiting is killing me!!! Now, I'll just skip to after I have painted all the parts and assembled the Gundam without its armour. I have also took close up picture for all that fine detail, if you have an eye for detail that is.

(From top to bottom)

Here's a picture before I added any of the finer details so you can see some of it that was not there appearing in other pictures, if you can find them that is.

Now this is a picture I recently took which was tonight the other one before that was yesterday. Still in a different position than before. you could see the difference, I don't think it was that much of a difference however.

Look at those. Those took me 3 tries to get it right, the lining not the colouring. But it paid off. Look at those shoes!! Nice gold and amazingly it only took 1 coating.

Now the forehead had a lot of detail, that's why I took a close up. This part was hard too. Nothing you will incounter when dealing with full body Gundam models, I guess.

The armour. I did the colouring yesterday and the lining today, I had to wait for the paint to dry and settle down. It was not that difficult because the lines were easy to follow.

The 3 swords. The first sword is actually completely gold. You might think there's no painting needed but the colour, my bro said was orange, so I should colour it as well. I haven't did the lining too.

The armour which was really hard and took a lot of painting to get it done. This was hard because there was not much room to hold on too so I had to use tweezers. The first time i painted a part which is held by tweezers.

The back mounted armour and the stickers given. If you look at the stickers, I only used them for the eyes, I ignored the others and painted on the colours instead. Bwahahaha!!!

Also to add in, this is the first model I painted first before assembling them together, I usually do the opposite, assemble first, colour later. I am only going to do this for SD however, not for full body Gundam models. And last of all, thank you Abang for the SD Gundam model and thank you Kakla for bringing it here. (Sob, Sob, tears of joy). This Gundam has sentimental value.


Tuesday, 17 November 2009

321 Days

This post may sound like it is about a game but it is not. This is a story (yes, I'm going back to stories) about a person whom I choose to keep his name a secret and I will refer to him as 'Subject F'. Why? I will tell you and you will find out eventually after you have read this post.

Day 1-306
The subject was in a normal world, a normal life. He went to school, he was still a student. But in early January this year he came in contact with another subject known as 'Subject H' who was still stable last year. But this year he suddenly emitted KRA waves which affected anyone who came within a certain radius. Because Subject F frequently came in contact with Subject H, he was soon affected. What is KRA you ask? KRA stands for Kamen Rider Aura which are emitted in a form of wave that makes people copy and perform moves shown on the Kamen Rider series such as transformation acts and fighting. However, the KRA waves can be deflected by any other stronger waves such as the GA waves (Gundam Aura) and others. Unfortunately for Subject F his GA waves were weaker than Subject H's waves making him affected by these waves.

Day 307-312
Subject F was no longer incontact with Subject H allowing him to gradually heal and increasing the strength of his GA wave radiation. However, when chatting through the internet, the KRA waves somehow managed to slightly affect the Subject but the GA waves were strong enough to repel them. However with that week, Subject F made contact for a few days making his current condition worse. Now, he is deeply affected and starts acting. This is also made worse because of Subject F's family member who also emits the KRA waves.

Day 315- present day.
Subject F is still struggling to rid the after effects of the KRA radiation emitted by Subject H. He asks "Why Ziq? WHY?!?!"

This is the sad story of a boy who was been exposed to large amounts of KRA waves and in striving to rid himself of them and continue to strengthen is GA waves.


Thursday, 12 November 2009

Kinda Boring

I seems to me that I am getting bored, at home. Nothing much to do right now if only I had a Gundam model to make. Well, I had to take care of the house because there's some construction going on. I shouldn't be complaning. Now about today's topic. It's about the games I have been playing to keep me, well, not bored. The recent games I have been playing for the DS and through facebook. But my bro did tell me about the online game Dragonica, which I think I would like to try. So far DotA didn't even come to mind now and neither did Starcraft.

The DS games I have been playing are mostly old. They were in the top 100 DS games played, so I tried them out. They are:

Custom Robo Arena

Now this is a good game, one of the good RPG games that suits me other than Pokemon, yes, I the only RPG game I play is Pokemon, I think it's an RPG game. The reason why this is such a good game, and I highly recommend it is because you actually go to a real arena when battling other robos, Virtual On style. So they don't take turns and you get to control the jumping, evading and attacking. Really cool. But I haven't finished the game yet because I went back to finish my unfinished game.

Super Mario 64 DS

This is a more challenging version compared to the Nintendo 64 version, one reason is because you have to switch to the right player in order to gather the stars needed unlike the Nintendo 64 version where you just stick to Mario, because he is the only playable character. This game proved to be annoying, frustrating and above all sometimes enjoyable. It really brought a big challenge, falling into a pit, onto lava and just handling annoying enemies. Unlocking the other characters were dificult too since you have to go for missions which you didn't even suspect was going to help you unlock those characters. But the challenge was what made it fun.

That's basically what I do, sometimes I just sit home and watch TV or go online, open up facebook and play Restaurant City or any other games I wanted to try out like Tanks. That's all, now back to the games!!


Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Canarium Odontophyllum

You must be wondering what is 'Canarium Odontophyllum. Well here we just call it Dabai (Pronounced Dabey). It is a delicious and nutricious fruit which I usually eat with rice and maybe some 'sambal' if I like. The reason why I am posting about this is because... I... am.... a Dabai addict. I have been addicted to it every since I tried it the second time in my life (the first time I just spit it out). It was in my aunt's place I think. Recently my addiction towards Dabai increased dramaticaly ever since I started going to my grandparents' house for dinner. They would serve Dabai all the time, and well I couldn't resist so, yeah I took 10 or was it 15 pieces of Dabai. What can you say no one was eating that much so I took the opportunity to eat as much Dabai as possible.

What puzzled was that when I searched for an article about it on wikipedia was Canarium. I read the article and Canarium Odontophyllum is the scientific name for Dabai. I have always liked Dabai the normal way it is cooked and I don't think there are any other ways of cooking it. The flesh is only edible after it is soaked in water. This fruit also contains all of the protein, fibre and fat making it an ideal meal. The flesh of the Dabai is black on the outside and soft white flesh in side each one having it's own taste.

Well, I will always love eating Dabai and I will continue to eat it because it's healthy.


Sunday, 8 November 2009

The Unicorn

This post is dedicated to my RX-O Unicorn Gundam. It is because I should have posted pictures about this Gundam a long time ago but I didn't. To make up for it I will now show you my Unicorn Gundam which is very fragile and nice at the same time. This pictures will show it in Unicorn mode and not Destroy mode because its parts are getting loose.

(Above) This picture of it standing straight. Can you see the decals, I don't think so.

(Above) Side view, this is the first time I am doing this, showing the Gundam from the side, front and back.

(Above) Look at the cool backpack, it actually comes off easily. It looks even cooler in Destroy mode but too bad I wouldn't show it.

I bought this a year ago when I was not really familiar with the new grade I have chosen to buy. The grade is MG, and I was not used to the decals and stickers which required a lot of time and nerve to put on. I put in those stickers, I did but the right leg is not complete so you might notice the right leg having less decals than the left. This Gundam was beautiful, even to my brother and his friends (he usually likes different Gundams, different taste) and a lot of people I know have bought it including my cousin. Now the long awaited pictures :

(Above) Holding its main weapon, the beam rifle the first model that I bought in which the ammunition can be taken out.

(Above) Reaching for his beam saber, but he actually can't with its current mobility. The arm can bend a maximum of 90 degrees while my Crossbone Gundam can bend more than that.

It seems that I am getting tired of posting about Gundam. Well maybe the next post might be about Gundam or food. I'm thinking DABAI. I'm addicted right now to dabai. So next time it'll be food be it fruit or vegetable or even meat!!


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Behold! Blitz Gundam!!

Wahahahaha!!! Now, is the time of showing you my completed Gundam or should I say Gundam Blitz. It took a lot of work but the Gundam turned out so nice I had to post on my blog to show all who enter my blog. So behold, Gundam Blitz in action and also from the front and rear.These pictures are taken somewhere with the Gundam behind its box, so you won't see the stuff behind it.

(Above) This is the picture of the Gundam using the beam saber which is in the Trikeros offensive, defensive system. This system is just a combination of a shield and weapons such as the beam saber, beam rifle and lance darts.

(Above) Guarding with the shield. This shield also turns invisible when the mirage colloid is activated but only the dark parts.

(Above) Releasing one of the deadly lance darts. There are 3 lance darts which are shorter than the other. The lance darts, I think shoot out like missiles. I think.

(Above) Revealing the Gleipner gappling hook mounted on the left arm. Looks cool. I just took this picture to actually show the painted parts on the Gleipner. I think you should be able to see them.

(Above) Showing off his opened up Gleipner!! The Gleipner is ready to fly off and grab any Gundam or Mobile Suit it is aimed at. Fire!!!

(Above) Posing with his beam saber. It was pretty unstable though. In this picture.

(Above) Releasing the Gleipner out to catch a Gundam or Mobile Suit that gets in its way or just happened to be there.

(Above) Here's a picture of it standing straight so that you can see the painted parts. Try finding the painted parts.

Well, I wanted to put more pictures but the uploading takes almost forever, so no more pictures for now. Wahahahaha!!! Well, there shall be more!!!


I... am...Tired...

Yes, I am tired as I say in the title of this post. Well, a lot had happened today, I woke up at around 6.30 a.m. today while I slept at 2 o'clock last night, it was hard but I like to wake early. Anyway, my mom had this graduation thing going on for her school. I was in charge of controlling the music and sounds played for example, during the time when the guest are coming and entering the place where the graduation is held, I play filler songs like mozart or beethoven but my mom asked me to play the song, Sway by pussy cat dolls. I was not really wanting to hear it but I played it anyway. But, just to stay in the story it went on from around 7 a.m. to 12 in the afternoon. That was excluding the time I helped load the stuff for the graduation into the car and I got a major headache.

But, it was fun looking at the students of my mom's tadika perform, a few laughs and well, it was quite an experience. I just came home at around 6 in the evening and performed Asar solat, then, disturbed my elder brother and then Maghrib solat, then eat, watch Sergeant Keroro and finally use the computer for the following things :

Play DotA.
Search the net for Sergeant Keroro.
Open facebook, play Restaurant City.
Play Crazy Planets on facebook.
Was too lazy to play Pet Society.
Open up DotA again, system crashed.
Open up facebook again, feed my workers.
Play the Nintendo DS, Animal Crossing.
Too lazy to play Metal Slug.
Go back to the computer and update blog and check other blogs.

Well, that's all of it, I guess. But now I'm too lazy to go to school tomorrow so I don't think I want to go to school tomorrow. That's all, keep reading my latest blog updates.
