This post is dedicated to my RX-O Unicorn Gundam. It is because I should have posted pictures about this Gundam a long time ago but I didn't. To make up for it I will now show you my Unicorn Gundam which is very fragile and nice at the same time. This pictures will show it in Unicorn mode and not Destroy mode because its parts are getting loose.

(Above) This picture of it standing straight. Can you see the decals, I don't think so.

(Above) Side view, this is the first time I am doing this, showing the Gundam from the side, front and back.
(Above) Look at the cool backpack, it actually comes off easily. It looks even cooler in Destroy mode but too bad I wouldn't show it.
I bought this a year ago when I was not really familiar with the new grade I have chosen to buy. The grade is MG, and I was not used to the decals and stickers which required a lot of time and nerve to put on. I put in those stickers, I did but the right leg is not complete so you might notice the right leg having less decals than the left. This Gundam was beautiful, even to my brother and his friends (he usually likes different Gundams, different taste) and a lot of people I know have bought it including my cousin. Now the long awaited pictures :

(Above) Holding its main weapon, the beam rifle the first model that I bought in which the ammunition can be taken out.

(Above) Reaching for his beam saber, but he actually can't with its current mobility. The arm can bend a maximum of 90 degrees while my Crossbone Gundam can bend more than that.
It seems that I am getting tired of posting about Gundam. Well maybe the next post might be about Gundam or food. I'm thinking DABAI. I'm addicted right now to dabai. So next time it'll be food be it fruit or vegetable or even meat!!
1 comment:
it's dabei season now? am I in time?
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