You must be wondering what is 'Canarium Odontophyllum. Well here we just call it Dabai (Pronounced Dabey). It is a delicious and nutricious fruit which I usually eat with rice and maybe some 'sambal' if I like. The reason why I am posting about this is because... I... am.... a Dabai addict. I have been addicted to it every since I tried it the second time in my life (the first time I just spit it out). It was in my aunt's place I think. Recently my addiction towards Dabai increased dramaticaly ever since I started going to my grandparents' house for dinner. They would serve Dabai all the time, and well I couldn't resist so, yeah I took 10 or was it 15 pieces of Dabai. What can you say no one was eating that much so I took the opportunity to eat as much Dabai as possible.

What puzzled was that when I searched for an article about it on wikipedia was Canarium. I read the article and Canarium Odontophyllum is the scientific name for Dabai. I have always liked Dabai the normal way it is cooked and I don't think there are any other ways of cooking it. The flesh is only edible after it is soaked in water. This fruit also contains all of the protein, fibre and fat making it an ideal meal. The flesh of the Dabai is black on the outside and soft white flesh in side each one having it's own taste.
Well, I will always love eating Dabai and I will continue to eat it because it's healthy.
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