Saturday, 15 June 2013

Looking back at all my old gundam models.

Quite a few years had passed since I started taking building gundam models seriously. Before, all I did was straight build and I didn't even cut the parts from the runners properly. There are actually a few models which I made bad mistakes while building, and because of the limited knowledge I had dealing with such problems at that time, I failed miserably in fixing them. These gundam models, I took of my blog, because I planned on finishing them before reposting them again.

One of main ones that I messed up on, Unicorn Gundam. Sadly, this also happens to be the most expensive model in my collection. I'm sure you might think it looks good in the photos, but that was mainly because I hid the damage well, broken parts, bad decal placement, all that kind of stuff.

This SD model was actually the first model I really tried panel-lining, I've gone a long way since this... but I just cannot understand how I thought that looked so clean last time...

And this, Blitz Gundam, I actually tried fixing this model up, repainting the required areas and all, but every time I took the model out of the box, I looked at the large amount of fixing that needed to be done. Although it was on this model I tried painting for the first time, and I continue to now.

This might not look so bad, Shibai Sazabi. But a lot went wrong on this model. However, this one happens to be one of my few broken or messed up models that I fixed. The pink colour I initially used was too watery to paint the model with, and I left all the white parts, which should remain white, stained with the watery paint. Thankfully I managed to clean it up and paint it appropriately, and you may notice that I didn't put this guy on the side with the others, well it was mainly because I was refining my painting on this model, and after that I jumped straight to the model I actually wanted to paint, forgetting this one almost entirely. Oh well, maybe this will be one of my secret projects!!


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