There was this one time when I was chatting with my friend, I was complaining to him about the posts he posted on his blog. And then it occurred to me that he bought expensive stuff even when it was on sale because it was branded. So I then told him that just because it is expensive does not mean it is the best of quality. But, it also occurred in my mind that I was buying Gundam models at expensive prices. My friend asked me why I bought the expensive ones and not the RM 5.30 or RM 14 Gundam Models. So, I had to explain, which is what I am going to post now. And don't get me wrong I just saying what I think, but I did buy a Gundam Model at RM 14 which was not produced by Bandai and the results where devastating! My brother cut some of his fingers while he put the parts together, because it was past my bed time and I couldn't finish it so he finished it for me. Well, you could say it was a nice model but lasted in its nice form for about a week or two and then parts came loose, and it wouldn't stand up. I was frustrated and vowed to stick to buying original Gundam. My reasons are:
First of all, the quality of the plastic used, shoes don't really differ in the sense of fine quality so far I have seen, some cheaper shoes last longer than branded ones. For example, a cheap shoe might outlast a branded shoe depending on how it is used and any other thing you might think of. But Gundam models are different in the sense that you only display them, and if a model can't stand or the parts come loose every time you make a pose for it, even just a standing pose then it is useless. (This happened for real by the way with my RM14 Gundam)
Second of all, the parts hardly fit! Which of course is a definite no! To make a Gundam every part must fit perfectly (which worked well so far the parts not fitting happen to never happen!). But the RM 14 Gundam was really hard to make because you had to actually hit the parts together for them to fit (hurts really bad too). This caused a lot of trouble for me at that tender age. So, the parts don't fit, the quality is bad, even after it is filed it still cut some of my brother's finger while putting it together.
Last but not least, the parts that fit are almost a one out of 6. So for every six parts you put together, only one will ease your pain and suffering, the rest just make it worse. But as for the original, the parts that don't fit are almost impossible to find, it never happened to me anyway and I had made more than 10 Gundams my intire life, but now I have 3 that I didn't break, I was a kid anyway.
Well, I know it is quite hard to understand and accept, but how hard is it to find good clothes or shoes these days. On the other hand Gundam models are only located in certain areas, 4 so far in where I am staying, quite limited you see. But, I am comparing a toy to something you need so it might be sure that it would turn out like this. But anyway, I just wanted to explain why I buy Gundam models at RM 100 when I could have bought one at RM 30 or less. So I guess that's that. I think there might me comments stating complains, I hope not. That's just all I wanted to say.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Sunday, 25 October 2009
The News So Far
Hello, and thank you for reading the new post that I have posted (clearly). Now, the news that have been going on in my house hold is well nothing much amusing. So fai... fai... I mean far it has been okay. But I have not met any of my friends lately, my whole class, and I haven't even battled with my cousins in DotA. But anyway the Gundam painting and lining have been complete!! So I will soon have the picture oh it posted here on my blog for all to see. The only thing I have yet to do is give you tips on how to play Metal Slug better. So here are some tips:
First of all, make sure you are comfortable with the settings on Metal Slug, the sound, controls (if you can change them). Also be sure you go through the game at your own pace. Don't rush through, just try to complete each mission and avoid dying ( in the game that is) which of course is the main thing. If you have played Metal Slug 7 then you should save up ammo for the secondary weapons even if it is a Heavy Machinegun. Make sure you do anything to stop the enemy from managing to shoot at you, running around or the most basic thing is shooting them. Also use the weapons to its maximum potential.
Ways of keeping your vehicles are essential. Make sure you let the vehicle not take a single hit if possible (which is possible). You should also go with the game. For example, hum out the songs while playing. This is best when you are wearing headphones connected to your DS or computer but you can't connect it to PS 2, can you? But, anyway do it if possible. Should also shout out the names of the secondary weapons you receive when you get them. Example, you get a Heavy Machinegun, so shout out "HEAVY MACHINEGUN" so you show you are really into the game.
To release frustration from lossing a life or have to press start again, you should not do any of the actions listed below:
Kill someone (for real)
Shout out so loud (just a small shout)
Throw the controller/DS (if it is the arcade you should not kick the machine)
Smash the TV (only applies for Playstation)
You can however slap your lap and utter an "Ugh!!" for dying it is acceptable. If there is someone nearby you can slap them, not on the face but some where less cruel so the go "Hey!! What was that for?" This works because after that you've released all the vengeance towards that one unit that hit you while the other died. And make sure you kill that unit straight away unless you want to lose another life or have to press start again.
Well, those are some ways of playing Metal Slug more effeciently. I hope you get the high score. If anyone got hurt from performing anything I have written in this post, I do not hold responsibility for the damage because it is their choice to follow the act that I have only SUGGESTED. Thanks for reading this post.
First of all, make sure you are comfortable with the settings on Metal Slug, the sound, controls (if you can change them). Also be sure you go through the game at your own pace. Don't rush through, just try to complete each mission and avoid dying ( in the game that is) which of course is the main thing. If you have played Metal Slug 7 then you should save up ammo for the secondary weapons even if it is a Heavy Machinegun. Make sure you do anything to stop the enemy from managing to shoot at you, running around or the most basic thing is shooting them. Also use the weapons to its maximum potential.
Ways of keeping your vehicles are essential. Make sure you let the vehicle not take a single hit if possible (which is possible). You should also go with the game. For example, hum out the songs while playing. This is best when you are wearing headphones connected to your DS or computer but you can't connect it to PS 2, can you? But, anyway do it if possible. Should also shout out the names of the secondary weapons you receive when you get them. Example, you get a Heavy Machinegun, so shout out "HEAVY MACHINEGUN" so you show you are really into the game.
To release frustration from lossing a life or have to press start again, you should not do any of the actions listed below:
Kill someone (for real)
Shout out so loud (just a small shout)
Throw the controller/DS (if it is the arcade you should not kick the machine)
Smash the TV (only applies for Playstation)
You can however slap your lap and utter an "Ugh!!" for dying it is acceptable. If there is someone nearby you can slap them, not on the face but some where less cruel so the go "Hey!! What was that for?" This works because after that you've released all the vengeance towards that one unit that hit you while the other died. And make sure you kill that unit straight away unless you want to lose another life or have to press start again.
Well, those are some ways of playing Metal Slug more effeciently. I hope you get the high score. If anyone got hurt from performing anything I have written in this post, I do not hold responsibility for the damage because it is their choice to follow the act that I have only SUGGESTED. Thanks for reading this post.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Metal Slug

Yo, and hi. Now, I am recently (after the exam that is) playing Metal Slug, or as they pronounce it in Japanese, Metaru Suragu, which actually means Metal Slug. And the lastest one I am playing is Metal Slug 7 for the Nintendo DS. The missions are really challenging keeping me, well, busy mostly. I was also really happy with the new weapon added. The first Metal Slug I played, I remember it like it was yesterday and no, I did not just play it yesterday. It was Metal Slug 2, I think. There were camels and everything. I also remember me getting the weapon 'Enemy Chaser' so I just blasted my way through all the enemies with ease. I was using the second player.
The characters changed for each new game, for example, in Metal Slug 2 Tarma was on second player and Marco on the first. The characters are Marco Rossi, Tarma Roving, Eri Kasamoto, Fio Germi, Nadia Cassel, Trevor Spacey, Ralf Jones and Clark Still. Tyra Elson and Walter Ryan were the characters for Metal Slug Advance for the Gameboy Advance. The characters I listed were from Metal Slug to Metal Slug 7.

(From top to bottom) Marchrius Dennis Rossi (Marco Rossi), Tarmicle Roving III (Tarma Roving), Fiolina Germi (Fio Germi), Eri Kasamoto, Trevor Stacey, Nadia Cassel, Ralf Jones and Clark Still.
Marco is present in all Metal Slug games.
Tarma is present in all except Metal Slug 4.
Fio is present in all except the first Metal Slug game.
Eri is present in all except the first and fourth Metal Slug game.
Trevor is only present in Metal Slug 4.
Nadia is only present in Metal Slug 4.
Ralf first appeared in Metal Slug 6 and is still in the game.
Clark first appeared in Metal Slug 6 and is still in the game.
(Info about them can be found on the official site :
Those were the Characters and now for the Vehicles and Weapons. I like many of the weapons because of how they are used in the game. My favourite is the 'Enemy Chaser' because it was the first weapon to keep me alive for so long and it homes down on nearby enemies. I also like 'Thunder Shot' from Metal Slug 7 because of it is more likely to hit and also affects other nearby enemies (like chain lightning).
The weapons are :
Heavy Machinegun, Double Heavy Machinegun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Super Grenade, Enemy Chaser, Iron Lizard, Dropshot, Laser Gun, Flameshot, Thunder Shot, Zantetsu Sword and Sniper Rifle which is only available in Metal Slug Evolution for the PS2.
And of course you know the main vehicle used in the game, the Metal Slug or SV-001 (SV stands for super vehicle). There are many other vehicles:
Slug Copter, Slug Flyer, Astro Slug, Slug Gunner, Slugnoid, LV Armour, Walking Machine, Slug Mariner, Drill Slug, M-15A Bradley, Metal Crow, Forklift, Car Slug, Spider Slug, Slug Gunner Prototype, Slug Digger, Slug Truck, Slug Armour and Slug Gigant (the biggest and toughest Slug). There are other vehicles ranging from animals and so on but I only listed the Mechanized ones.
(All found on the website:
Well there it is one whole post about Metal Slug. I did this because it is a really nice game and the mechanical vehicles and weapons are really inspiring for my robot drawings. SNK Playmore made a really good game. Well, that's all. Bye and try out Metal Slug if you haven't.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Yes, Yes!!!!
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Look, look!! My new Gundam, completely assembled but almost completely painted. But some of the parts are really small so they are really hard to paint. Anyway, the picture is below, one with a dull background and another with the box as its background which look so cool. Oh, and these pictures are without weapons because I haven't even started painting them yet. So, these pictures show just Blitz Gundam, without its Trikeros system, and its Gleipner. No beam rifles, no beam sabres and no lance darts, just to be clear. Feast your eyes on this:
(Above) There it is, as you can see, it has no weapons. The parts that haven't been coloured are not really visisble but you can clearly see it near the waist. Oh, and no lining, I haven't started yet because I don't really want to finish it that fast. This Gundam might have been the one I've been working on the longest.

(Above) A very nice background, which is the box by the way, I don't plan on throwing because I didn't throw the others anyway. This Gundam is clearly symmetrical without its weapons but after I put them on there are no axis of symmetries. And lastly, of course this Gundam is a Bandai product. Hehehehehe. I bet you don't know which part I coloured. I'll just keep that a secret. Well, that's all. I hope this post will bring you into liking Gundam. Bwahahahaha!!!
(Above) A very nice background, which is the box by the way, I don't plan on throwing because I didn't throw the others anyway. This Gundam is clearly symmetrical without its weapons but after I put them on there are no axis of symmetries. And lastly, of course this Gundam is a Bandai product. Hehehehehe. I bet you don't know which part I coloured. I'll just keep that a secret. Well, that's all. I hope this post will bring you into liking Gundam. Bwahahahaha!!!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Something's Wrong
Well, let's say this post might not make any sense. Well, mostly none of mine do but think about it properly you might understand, in a school way by the way. Hey, it rhymes. Anyway on with the post.
I was playing warcraft 3. The map I made, Fortified Forts (yes, I haven't made a new one yet), I was playing it with a bunch of friends. I was on the North East Side and the other was on the South West side. It was 3 on 3. Well, the game went on quite well of course, I was keeping up with the tech and making sure I had enough troops. When I was just about to make and expansion, my friend asked me to check out one side of the map to make sure the enemy's team had not controlled that area yet, but well I couldn't really go because I had a smaller amount of troops even though I had enough to defend my base. So I didn't check it out because there was also something fighting keeping my troops buisy. And as you would have thought, the enemy did control that area and was the production base for their troops. It was a little late when I found that out. Their army rushed in on our team and we lost. My friend was angry, he said I should have went, I should have checked it out. But I didn't, so I was sorry. Very sorry. Sorry again. I should have, I should have. Sorry Ziq.
I was playing warcraft 3. The map I made, Fortified Forts (yes, I haven't made a new one yet), I was playing it with a bunch of friends. I was on the North East Side and the other was on the South West side. It was 3 on 3. Well, the game went on quite well of course, I was keeping up with the tech and making sure I had enough troops. When I was just about to make and expansion, my friend asked me to check out one side of the map to make sure the enemy's team had not controlled that area yet, but well I couldn't really go because I had a smaller amount of troops even though I had enough to defend my base. So I didn't check it out because there was also something fighting keeping my troops buisy. And as you would have thought, the enemy did control that area and was the production base for their troops. It was a little late when I found that out. Their army rushed in on our team and we lost. My friend was angry, he said I should have went, I should have checked it out. But I didn't, so I was sorry. Very sorry. Sorry again. I should have, I should have. Sorry Ziq.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
My New Gundam

My new gundam. See. I Bought it somewhere where I live. Hehehehe.
This is the new gundam I recently bought with my raya money. Its name is GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam whose pilot is Nicol Amarfi, who is a girl don't be mistaken I thought she was a guy. That still scares me. Anyway this is the only gundam from Seed or Gundam Seed that caught my eye. Yeah, I don't really like the other gundams. Well I like this one maybe because it has something like a grapling hook. The Blitz that I bought is clearly the No Grade (NG) 1/100 version which does not have clear armour (clear armour does not look nice to me).
Actually Blitz Gundam was one of the 5 to be produced by the Earth Alliance. But the suit was stolen by Nicol Amarfi. She died by being killed by Kira Yamato the main character. The phase shift armour is used to protect the suit from ranged attacks such as beam fire and artillery. However, Blitz cannot use its Mirage colloid (which turns it invisible) and Phase Shift armour at the same time making it visible when using Phase shift armour and vulnerable when using Mirage Colloid. Nothing's perfect.
Its equiment are Sensors, phase shift armour and Mirage Colloid.
Armaments are Gleipnir Anchor, Trikeros offensive and defensive system, 50mm high-energy beam rifle, beam saber and lance darts. The beam rifle, beam saber and lance darts are all in the Trikeros System.
Now, I have started making the gundam but have yet to finish it so I'll just show some pictures. Here they are:

The parts that have to be assembled.
You must have the following to make a nice gundam. Not really all but at least some. The cutter is the most important of all of course.
The tools needed. Well not all actually. You should have a cutter with one side completely flat so that it cuts nicely. A file is essential as well so be sure to have these if you plan on making gundam models. The outline marker, tweezers and pen knife are not really needed but your gundam should look better with their help.
Oh, and of course, have a nice big area to build you gundams. Well lighted and comfortable because you might be making the gundam for hours and just sit there letting you buttocks get hurt. It took me about 3 hours just building the arms, head and body excluding waist and below.
There I have shown you my latest addition to my gundam collection. Now, to BED!!!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
The Irrelevant Case of Akiki (Final Chapter)
The final chapter is the chapter that you are reading now if you are reading it. I know it's very late but exams was up so I couldn't even touch the computer let alone use it. But now I can continue the final chapter and get it over with. So her it is, the FINAL CHAPTER!!!
Chapter 5 : The Irrelevance
It was a school day again. I went on taking a shower, putting my clothes on and went down for breakfast. After breakfast, the usual, I packed up and went to school in the same car like any other day. I thought about how tiring this case was. Thinking of all the possible ways for Akiki to disappear just like that. But today was different. Very different.
As I came out of the car I saw something that might not be true to me myself. I was Akiki. I thought he disappeared. He wore the same face he usually had when he came to school. I thought to myself. "Were the previous searches and clues some kind of dream?". Maybe it was but I was sure enough it is impossible to dream about dreaming. So the previous acts must have been real. But how could he appear here. This really, really, really puzzled me, so much I almost forgot to continue walking.
I made my way to class and tried forgetting about what I saw and just continue listening to the teacher teaching. But it was too much for me to just forget, so I decided. I would ask him during recess and that was what I did. It was recess time and because I made up my mind, I went straight to his class, to ask him about how he disappeared. When I entered the class, I saw Ziq there as usual and I walked up to him and asked "Hey Akiki, how come you just disappeared for those few days? Where were you?"
He then answered " I had fever, I thought Ziq was going to tell you. Ziq did you tell him or not?"
I looked at Ziq thinking about the dream I had. Ziq then answered " Okay, okay, I made him a puzzle or something and he took such a long time to solve it." Everything finally made some sense to me. The dream showed Ziq as the killer because he was the one who made the puzzle. After knowing this, recess was almost over and I went back to class.
Soon, school had ended that day. I thought back about everything I did just to find out about something so simple. How I didn't even think of calling his mother and asking her about Akiki. How I searched the school at night. All the trouble I went through just to find out he didn't go to school because of a fever. After thinking of all that, I thought to myself that this case was nothing else but Irrelevant.
There the end of the Irrelevant Case of Akiki. Thanks for reading. Bye.
Chapter 5 : The Irrelevance
It was a school day again. I went on taking a shower, putting my clothes on and went down for breakfast. After breakfast, the usual, I packed up and went to school in the same car like any other day. I thought about how tiring this case was. Thinking of all the possible ways for Akiki to disappear just like that. But today was different. Very different.
As I came out of the car I saw something that might not be true to me myself. I was Akiki. I thought he disappeared. He wore the same face he usually had when he came to school. I thought to myself. "Were the previous searches and clues some kind of dream?". Maybe it was but I was sure enough it is impossible to dream about dreaming. So the previous acts must have been real. But how could he appear here. This really, really, really puzzled me, so much I almost forgot to continue walking.
I made my way to class and tried forgetting about what I saw and just continue listening to the teacher teaching. But it was too much for me to just forget, so I decided. I would ask him during recess and that was what I did. It was recess time and because I made up my mind, I went straight to his class, to ask him about how he disappeared. When I entered the class, I saw Ziq there as usual and I walked up to him and asked "Hey Akiki, how come you just disappeared for those few days? Where were you?"
He then answered " I had fever, I thought Ziq was going to tell you. Ziq did you tell him or not?"
I looked at Ziq thinking about the dream I had. Ziq then answered " Okay, okay, I made him a puzzle or something and he took such a long time to solve it." Everything finally made some sense to me. The dream showed Ziq as the killer because he was the one who made the puzzle. After knowing this, recess was almost over and I went back to class.
Soon, school had ended that day. I thought back about everything I did just to find out about something so simple. How I didn't even think of calling his mother and asking her about Akiki. How I searched the school at night. All the trouble I went through just to find out he didn't go to school because of a fever. After thinking of all that, I thought to myself that this case was nothing else but Irrelevant.
There the end of the Irrelevant Case of Akiki. Thanks for reading. Bye.
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