Thursday, 15 October 2009

Something's Wrong

Well, let's say this post might not make any sense. Well, mostly none of mine do but think about it properly you might understand, in a school way by the way. Hey, it rhymes. Anyway on with the post.

I was playing warcraft 3. The map I made, Fortified Forts (yes, I haven't made a new one yet), I was playing it with a bunch of friends. I was on the North East Side and the other was on the South West side. It was 3 on 3. Well, the game went on quite well of course, I was keeping up with the tech and making sure I had enough troops. When I was just about to make and expansion, my friend asked me to check out one side of the map to make sure the enemy's team had not controlled that area yet, but well I couldn't really go because I had a smaller amount of troops even though I had enough to defend my base. So I didn't check it out because there was also something fighting keeping my troops buisy. And as you would have thought, the enemy did control that area and was the production base for their troops. It was a little late when I found that out. Their army rushed in on our team and we lost. My friend was angry, he said I should have went, I should have checked it out. But I didn't, so I was sorry. Very sorry. Sorry again. I should have, I should have. Sorry Ziq.



Zi-qAh said...

i played with you??

Zi-qAh said...

ahh... i see.... its something like a simile... well ive said enough so no point saying it again here... hope u get the point...

DarkAsclepius said...
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DarkAsclepius said...

I hope he gets the point too... Teamwork! Teamwork!