This post may sound like it is about a game but it is not. This is a story (yes, I'm going back to stories) about a person whom I choose to keep his name a secret and I will refer to him as 'Subject F'. Why? I will tell you and you will find out eventually after you have read this post.
Day 1-306
The subject was in a normal world, a normal life. He went to school, he was still a student. But in early January this year he came in contact with another subject known as 'Subject H' who was still stable last year. But this year he suddenly emitted KRA waves which affected anyone who came within a certain radius. Because Subject F frequently came in contact with Subject H, he was soon affected. What is KRA you ask? KRA stands for Kamen Rider Aura which are emitted in a form of wave that makes people copy and perform moves shown on the Kamen Rider series such as transformation acts and fighting. However, the KRA waves can be deflected by any other stronger waves such as the GA waves (Gundam Aura) and others. Unfortunately for Subject F his GA waves were weaker than Subject H's waves making him affected by these waves.
Day 307-312
Subject F was no longer incontact with Subject H allowing him to gradually heal and increasing the strength of his GA wave radiation. However, when chatting through the internet, the KRA waves somehow managed to slightly affect the Subject but the GA waves were strong enough to repel them. However with that week, Subject F made contact for a few days making his current condition worse. Now, he is deeply affected and starts acting. This is also made worse because of Subject F's family member who also emits the KRA waves.
Day 315- present day.
Subject F is still struggling to rid the after effects of the KRA radiation emitted by Subject H. He asks "Why Ziq? WHY?!?!"
This is the sad story of a boy who was been exposed to large amounts of KRA waves and in striving to rid himself of them and continue to strengthen is GA waves.
*waving hand with a wierd gesture* "FARIIIIIDDD"
Arghhh!! Leave me alone (runs away while being chased by Ziq). AAAHHHHHH!!!!!
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