Wow!! Have you checked out the Starcraft 2 Battle Report. If you haven't then check it out. You can either go to the main site or just go to YouTube and type the word. It's really nice Terran vs Protoss in the new map for the Alpha version of Starcraft 2 Kulas Ravine. And there's some new stuff that was added to improve the game. Sorry I can't upload it here its just the video needs to be downloaded and I didn't. Hehehe. Well see ya.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
The Holiday
Yeah, I'm back with news worth about 10 days. And sorry for not being online so much because in the place I was staying there was no internet only Warcraft.
Day 1
I got on the plane with my mom, my sisters and my younger brother. We arrived at LCCT in KL or Kuala Lumpur after about 2 hours when getting on the plane. I met my uncle, aunt and cousin on their way to board the plane and took some pictures which I shall not show. We got on the bus 'SKYBUS' and it took us about 1 hour to reach KL central where we can take the LRT, Monorail and KTM Komuter. Our first stop, KFC. I don't know what that stands for I think it was Kentucky Fried Chicken. Well I'm sure you all know what and where that is. But since we can't eat any of it in where I'm staying so it was our main target. And we bought a bucket and drinks and mash potatoes and it was DELICIOUS!!! Then we went to my grandpa's condominium. And stayed there.
Day 1
I got on the plane with my mom, my sisters and my younger brother. We arrived at LCCT in KL or Kuala Lumpur after about 2 hours when getting on the plane. I met my uncle, aunt and cousin on their way to board the plane and took some pictures which I shall not show. We got on the bus 'SKYBUS' and it took us about 1 hour to reach KL central where we can take the LRT, Monorail and KTM Komuter. Our first stop, KFC. I don't know what that stands for I think it was Kentucky Fried Chicken. Well I'm sure you all know what and where that is. But since we can't eat any of it in where I'm staying so it was our main target. And we bought a bucket and drinks and mash potatoes and it was DELICIOUS!!! Then we went to my grandpa's condominium. And stayed there.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
The Sadness
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! It's really sad cause almost none of my family members have watched Iron Man. Well last, last night my sister did watch it but... ONLY HALF OF THE STORY!!!! I wonder why but it's weird because my mom like and wanted to watch the INCREDIBLE HULK but she refuses to watch Iron Man. What does that green man have so special in him. Muscles... body weight... green coloured skin or it's just the fact that HE'S NOT IRON MAN. Oh, yeah I forgot that did you know that the story was supposed to be like this.
Tony Stark (Anthony Stark) was at the age of 21 when he inherited the company Stark Enterprise. Then he developed mini-transistors to help the war during the East Asian conflict. While he was checking the plant which was sabotaged he was injured by exploding shrapnel and captured by the warlord Wong Chu and forced him and Ho Yinsen a famed physist to make weapons for him. During that time the shrapnel left in Tony's body was slowly reaching his heart. So, he and Yinsen made an iron suit allowing him to live and escape from the warlord. Doing so sacrificing Yinsen to give more time for him to change into Iron Man and escape. And on his way home, Tony met a helicopter pilot, James Rhodes and returned to America. See the story is quite different. He was not supposed to be captured by the arabs, he did not meet the pilot and he was not hit by a bomb. Well now you know the story I hope you watch the 2008 Iron Man if you haven't because its really cool. I mean really Cool. Every time I ask her to watch it she says " I have already watched it why should I watch it again." Well she should because The SUIT was NOT a 3D animation. IT... WAS... REALLLLLLL!!!! Well that's all bye.
Tony Stark (Anthony Stark) was at the age of 21 when he inherited the company Stark Enterprise. Then he developed mini-transistors to help the war during the East Asian conflict. While he was checking the plant which was sabotaged he was injured by exploding shrapnel and captured by the warlord Wong Chu and forced him and Ho Yinsen a famed physist to make weapons for him. During that time the shrapnel left in Tony's body was slowly reaching his heart. So, he and Yinsen made an iron suit allowing him to live and escape from the warlord. Doing so sacrificing Yinsen to give more time for him to change into Iron Man and escape. And on his way home, Tony met a helicopter pilot, James Rhodes and returned to America. See the story is quite different. He was not supposed to be captured by the arabs, he did not meet the pilot and he was not hit by a bomb. Well now you know the story I hope you watch the 2008 Iron Man if you haven't because its really cool. I mean really Cool. Every time I ask her to watch it she says " I have already watched it why should I watch it again." Well she should because The SUIT was NOT a 3D animation. IT... WAS... REALLLLLLL!!!! Well that's all bye.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Hi, hello!! Sorry for not updating for a really long time. I guess I didn't have much to post about and if I did it would be... BORING. So now I have something interesting. The latest version of our map. Here they are.
First of all the main thing that is new is the heroes which are :
Flesh Eater
Pandaren Fire
Bone Archer (modified not new)
Knowledge Seeker
Fairie Dragon
Reverse Fairie
The abilities are also updated to better effects and damage. The map is now different in it's size and battle area. Its in the CITY. A new titan and towers added to improve defences against armies not single heroes. Allies have been given and the best part is they gain benefits from the titans as well. They are most likely to bring armies too instead of single heroes.
The new titan or hero titan is for now invincible against up to 3 heroes (the super ones not normal) which are at level 20 and, yes, have the crown of kings. He can also cast abilities which are avatar making him invulnerable to magic and thunder clap.
Well that's most of the new added stuff. If you have never played the map then you will not know what I'm talking about. Don't worry I have another story.
This weekend my cousins came and are still here. Oh, the things we played was cool. Well, not really cool. We just played badminton. Here's what happened. We started playing at 5 p.m. It was tense, a battle between cousins from to different cities collide in a battle of... BADMINTON.
We started of with the WARM UP. But unfrotunately my COUSIN was scoring more points during... THE WARM UP. Then the real match begin. But I lost the first round. But as soon as we were going to start another BATTLE my brother came. And because of his failure... We lost again. It was stressful, sweat was pouring from my face as the THIRD match begin. It was me 2 and my cousin 5 and he won. That's just the start. Since we didn't have a net because we were playing outside in my yard we wanted to use my brother as the net. But he was busy watching TV. So luckily my two cats were nearby and they became the net. We lined them straight and THEY DIDN'T MOVE. It was also funny because they couldn't resist looking at the shuttle cock. And in the end they ended up casing it when it landed. It was really fun. Well that's all. Actually I'm in a hurry gotta watch Iron Man.
First of all the main thing that is new is the heroes which are :
Flesh Eater
Pandaren Fire
Bone Archer (modified not new)
Knowledge Seeker
Fairie Dragon
Reverse Fairie
The abilities are also updated to better effects and damage. The map is now different in it's size and battle area. Its in the CITY. A new titan and towers added to improve defences against armies not single heroes. Allies have been given and the best part is they gain benefits from the titans as well. They are most likely to bring armies too instead of single heroes.
The new titan or hero titan is for now invincible against up to 3 heroes (the super ones not normal) which are at level 20 and, yes, have the crown of kings. He can also cast abilities which are avatar making him invulnerable to magic and thunder clap.
Well that's most of the new added stuff. If you have never played the map then you will not know what I'm talking about. Don't worry I have another story.
This weekend my cousins came and are still here. Oh, the things we played was cool. Well, not really cool. We just played badminton. Here's what happened. We started playing at 5 p.m. It was tense, a battle between cousins from to different cities collide in a battle of... BADMINTON.
We started of with the WARM UP. But unfrotunately my COUSIN was scoring more points during... THE WARM UP. Then the real match begin. But I lost the first round. But as soon as we were going to start another BATTLE my brother came. And because of his failure... We lost again. It was stressful, sweat was pouring from my face as the THIRD match begin. It was me 2 and my cousin 5 and he won. That's just the start. Since we didn't have a net because we were playing outside in my yard we wanted to use my brother as the net. But he was busy watching TV. So luckily my two cats were nearby and they became the net. We lined them straight and THEY DIDN'T MOVE. It was also funny because they couldn't resist looking at the shuttle cock. And in the end they ended up casing it when it landed. It was really fun. Well that's all. Actually I'm in a hurry gotta watch Iron Man.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Yeah, just two more days to go till MY FREEDOM. Then I'm gonna play Dota, Dota, Dota and more Dota. But, maybe during the holiday I'll go to KL. Oh yeah, to my friends I'll deliver my lastest maps if you give me your e-mail and tell me when you are online. If not you'll miss out on ver. 0.07 and more! Catch ya'll later!! Yeah!!!
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Really Bad Next Week
Sorry for not able to post anything for these few days because nothing interesting came to my mind. But I have finally found something to blog about. Here it is :
AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! An exam is coming up next week and everyone else is already enjoying their holidays (students from other schools). The worst part is that we only receive our report card NEXT YEAR when EVERYONE is in FORM 3. What's the use of having an exam on the last week of school. You want to know the school's excuse ? Well, they say that at the end of the year students start skipping classes because... well it's the END OF THE YEAR. So make an exam at the end of the year on the last week and the problem is solve. WRONG! Just WRONG!! Their way of thinking is so different from other just because it's a 'SEKOLAH BESTARI' that STINKS. And next year classes are going to last until 2.10 p.m and they we'll maybe doing some more STUFF afterwards.
Wow, I'm really just insulting my school. Hope they don't find out. Hehehehe (Evil laughing tone).
Farid (still laughing in an evil tone)
AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! An exam is coming up next week and everyone else is already enjoying their holidays (students from other schools). The worst part is that we only receive our report card NEXT YEAR when EVERYONE is in FORM 3. What's the use of having an exam on the last week of school. You want to know the school's excuse ? Well, they say that at the end of the year students start skipping classes because... well it's the END OF THE YEAR. So make an exam at the end of the year on the last week and the problem is solve. WRONG! Just WRONG!! Their way of thinking is so different from other just because it's a 'SEKOLAH BESTARI' that STINKS. And next year classes are going to last until 2.10 p.m and they we'll maybe doing some more STUFF afterwards.
Wow, I'm really just insulting my school. Hope they don't find out. Hehehehe (Evil laughing tone).
Farid (still laughing in an evil tone)
Sunday, 26 October 2008
A Post Full of Trash
Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! In this post I will talk about anything and everything that makes no sense, example:
The monkey jumps on the butterfly and the butterfly kills it with a flower.
Makes no sense right. But I'm sure you'll like it.
Think of life as a donkey going with the flow and any time soon the donkey will be knocked down or get food.
Don't be so sure whether the lion will eat a deer but it might change and eat a fruit.
Feel the energy flowing through your body use it well, do something smart or dumb, do the right thing, buy a gundam.
When you find any of your old stuff don't throw it away. Sell it? Maybe not. Find something useful for it. If not, see whether it can help something else.
Gundam and hug both start with a 'G' am I right.
When you correct something use the right equipment to do so. If you want to clean up your mess incinerate it. If you want to sweep the floor use a broom. If you want a straighten your friend... use a hammer.
Be sure to appreciate what people give you, use it, keep it. If not, don't appreciate it.
When you count till ten count quickly so you don't miss the train while waiting.
If a black cat crosses your path what happens... nothing it just slows you down if you're using a car.
If you spill some salt throw some over your shoulder if you spill some nails you'd better not throw that over your shoulder.
Do what you want.. kill animals, buy stuff just accept the consequences.
When you go hunting don't bring a gun... if you're hunting for a product in a store that is.
Don't get mad so fast when people punch you or tease you. When you get home take it out on your pillow.
That's the end of it. Hope you enjoy the entertainment. Don't do what this blog is telling you to do. It's just for fun.
The monkey jumps on the butterfly and the butterfly kills it with a flower.
Makes no sense right. But I'm sure you'll like it.
Think of life as a donkey going with the flow and any time soon the donkey will be knocked down or get food.
Don't be so sure whether the lion will eat a deer but it might change and eat a fruit.
Feel the energy flowing through your body use it well, do something smart or dumb, do the right thing, buy a gundam.
When you find any of your old stuff don't throw it away. Sell it? Maybe not. Find something useful for it. If not, see whether it can help something else.
Gundam and hug both start with a 'G' am I right.
When you correct something use the right equipment to do so. If you want to clean up your mess incinerate it. If you want to sweep the floor use a broom. If you want a straighten your friend... use a hammer.
Be sure to appreciate what people give you, use it, keep it. If not, don't appreciate it.
When you count till ten count quickly so you don't miss the train while waiting.
If a black cat crosses your path what happens... nothing it just slows you down if you're using a car.
If you spill some salt throw some over your shoulder if you spill some nails you'd better not throw that over your shoulder.
Do what you want.. kill animals, buy stuff just accept the consequences.
When you go hunting don't bring a gun... if you're hunting for a product in a store that is.
Don't get mad so fast when people punch you or tease you. When you get home take it out on your pillow.
That's the end of it. Hope you enjoy the entertainment. Don't do what this blog is telling you to do. It's just for fun.
My Brother Back Where He Studies and Relatives Nearby
It was quite a sad weekend for me but also the best one ever. My bro had to go back to Australia, back where he studies to get a job. To think that those days, one month and a half to be precise, went by so quickly. When he came I thought "One month and a half is a long time" but now it's over. Me and my family went to Brunei to send him to the airport. But since it was still Raya in Brunei we went visiting. We visited our cousins, uncles and aunts who were really friendly to us even if we haven't even met them over the years. And for just 2 days staying there, I got to know a lot about my relatives living so close. They didn't really care whether they knew us or not, they tried to make conversations even if it was a boring subject. My bro became friends with a few his relatives in just 1 hour. But it took me 3 just to start a conversation. Those are the type of people I would like to stay close with my entire life.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Banned from Playing 'Mercun' (Firecrackers)
Yes, it's true my mother said that I was banned from playing firecrackers. Here's the story.
It all started this morning when my friend brought two 'mercun'. The name of those 'mercun' was Crazy Robots the loudest firecracker that explodes once and releases a deafening noise.

(Above) The 'mercun' Crazy Robots.
The size of this loud 'mercun' is actually quite small but bigger than its younger brother the A-bom ( the name of another 'mercun'). It is about 7 cm tall and 3 cm wide in a silinder form as you can see.
Back to the story.
My friend was talking about how he played this 'mercun' is by throwing it near but still far from a car parking lot. When it explodes almost all the car alarms will go off. By hearing this I was very interested about this 'mercun'. I couldn't wait to buy it. The cost of this loud and terrifying 'mercun' is... RM 3 only, not 3 thousand not 3 hundred not thirty just a basic RM 3. It was quite cheap for my friends so I bought only two.
I waited until night time after me and my family broke our fast ( puasa enam bah). I tiptoed out carefully while my family watched me go. My mom said "Play the 'mercun' far from here. But I replied "Even if I go far you'll still hear it." So I went to our back yard with a candle to find the perfect spot where the sound would be reflected directly to my house. Of course, I took my friend's advice lightly. He said it was very loud. But I just lit the 'mercun' and threw it to a corner near the gate. Just in case, I closed my ears but not too tightly. Just looking at the 'mercun' and then it exploded. The sound was thundering in my ears and I said to my younger brother nearby "Woah, it's loud!!" Then, my mom called me in. She scolded me for not playing it further away. I didn't think she would punish me. She did, by not letting me play unless under adult supervision.
So that was the story. Pretty sad huh. I still have one more. Maybe I'll light it when she's at work. I'm just afraid she might hear it.
It all started this morning when my friend brought two 'mercun'. The name of those 'mercun' was Crazy Robots the loudest firecracker that explodes once and releases a deafening noise.
(Above) The 'mercun' Crazy Robots.
The size of this loud 'mercun' is actually quite small but bigger than its younger brother the A-bom ( the name of another 'mercun'). It is about 7 cm tall and 3 cm wide in a silinder form as you can see.
Back to the story.
My friend was talking about how he played this 'mercun' is by throwing it near but still far from a car parking lot. When it explodes almost all the car alarms will go off. By hearing this I was very interested about this 'mercun'. I couldn't wait to buy it. The cost of this loud and terrifying 'mercun' is... RM 3 only, not 3 thousand not 3 hundred not thirty just a basic RM 3. It was quite cheap for my friends so I bought only two.
I waited until night time after me and my family broke our fast ( puasa enam bah). I tiptoed out carefully while my family watched me go. My mom said "Play the 'mercun' far from here. But I replied "Even if I go far you'll still hear it." So I went to our back yard with a candle to find the perfect spot where the sound would be reflected directly to my house. Of course, I took my friend's advice lightly. He said it was very loud. But I just lit the 'mercun' and threw it to a corner near the gate. Just in case, I closed my ears but not too tightly. Just looking at the 'mercun' and then it exploded. The sound was thundering in my ears and I said to my younger brother nearby "Woah, it's loud!!" Then, my mom called me in. She scolded me for not playing it further away. I didn't think she would punish me. She did, by not letting me play unless under adult supervision.
So that was the story. Pretty sad huh. I still have one more. Maybe I'll light it when she's at work. I'm just afraid she might hear it.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Dreams to Fulfill
There are several dreams of mine which I would like to fulfill.
The first would be:
I would like to live in the country side. Where I can hear the birds singing and live in big open fields so that I can make an underground base to store all my weapons and creations.
The second would be:
I would like to make an iron suit of my own. Better than the iron suit worn by the Iron Man. It would have missiles, rockets, machine guns, beam knives, repulsors and other damgerous weapons to easily defeat enemies who stand in my way and blowing up heavily armoured vehicles. It would also fly faster than Iron Man's suit and reach a higher altitude.
The last would be:
I would like to live a peaceful life with my family and all my cousins, aunts and uncles.
Those would be my dreams. A little to high right, but I'll try achive them.
The first would be:
I would like to live in the country side. Where I can hear the birds singing and live in big open fields so that I can make an underground base to store all my weapons and creations.
The second would be:
I would like to make an iron suit of my own. Better than the iron suit worn by the Iron Man. It would have missiles, rockets, machine guns, beam knives, repulsors and other damgerous weapons to easily defeat enemies who stand in my way and blowing up heavily armoured vehicles. It would also fly faster than Iron Man's suit and reach a higher altitude.
The last would be:
I would like to live a peaceful life with my family and all my cousins, aunts and uncles.
Those would be my dreams. A little to high right, but I'll try achive them.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
A New DS, the DSi
Oh yeah, there's a new ds. The DSi!!! Its 12% thinner than the DS Lite and has a camera, louder speakers and an internet browser. Cool, huh!!! It's gonna be released in Japan in November but it will take a year or two to reach where I'm living.

The first Nintendo DS (Above)

The second Nintendo DS or DS Lite (Above)
The DSi (Above). You can see the camera there between the two screens.
The Raya News.....
Hello, this is Farid speaking on CNN news....................... just kidding. Okay, I'm back and ready for the fun of blogging. My Raya was.......... well............ just to say..................... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fun visiting people, eating cakes, having drinks and getting to know other people. On the first day, We all went for the usual Raya prayer. Then, we went to my grandparents house for photo taking sessions and we do that every year. While doing that we also collected our 'duit raya'(Raya Money)and I got a lot. LOL. My cousin because of influence from me bought GUNDAMS. Well not to say that they were cheap. One was RM 168, another was RM 199 and another was RM 249. Crazy,huh! Them buying gundams worth RM 616. But one of the most terrifying things was they handled their gundams like they were worth RM 2 because they broke it and didn't really fix them well to their matching parts. The weird thing was I was scared of what they were doing not them. Seeing them handled the gundams almost made me cry. I thought "They were worth RM 299 c'mon just handle them more carefully. Please!"
Well, back to the raya news. On the first day we were at our grandparents house like I said. People came rushing in like an endless wave to visit my grandparents house. So, we had to do most of the work. I didn't help much but my sisters help with serving the drinks and entertaining the visitors. I fewlt kindda sorry for them after the told me to help. When it was night time my uncle brought fireworks and they were so nice. I tried many experiments with the firecrackers and was lucky to not lose any fingers. The only firecrackers my uncle or Mamu let me play was the 'sparkler', the 'mercun macis' the 'mercun bunga' and 'mercun rocket'. He wouldn't let me play the 'A-bom' because he said it was too dangerous for me but I didn't really want to play it anyway.
There's only one thing troubling me the first week of raya........ the way most people wore the 'Samping'. You see the correct way to wear the 'Samping' to tuck in your baju melayu in the samping. This way you look neat, clean, proper and most important for all men handsome. But I know most of my friends, cousins and other people I don't know wear the 'Samping'in a different trend. They wear the baju melayu tuck out instead of tuck in. This way they look lazy, sloppy and weird. So please wear the 'Samping' the right way. It looks better. Bye.
Well, back to the raya news. On the first day we were at our grandparents house like I said. People came rushing in like an endless wave to visit my grandparents house. So, we had to do most of the work. I didn't help much but my sisters help with serving the drinks and entertaining the visitors. I fewlt kindda sorry for them after the told me to help. When it was night time my uncle brought fireworks and they were so nice. I tried many experiments with the firecrackers and was lucky to not lose any fingers. The only firecrackers my uncle or Mamu let me play was the 'sparkler', the 'mercun macis' the 'mercun bunga' and 'mercun rocket'. He wouldn't let me play the 'A-bom' because he said it was too dangerous for me but I didn't really want to play it anyway.
There's only one thing troubling me the first week of raya........ the way most people wore the 'Samping'. You see the correct way to wear the 'Samping' to tuck in your baju melayu in the samping. This way you look neat, clean, proper and most important for all men handsome. But I know most of my friends, cousins and other people I don't know wear the 'Samping'in a different trend. They wear the baju melayu tuck out instead of tuck in. This way they look lazy, sloppy and weird. So please wear the 'Samping' the right way. It looks better. Bye.
Friday, 26 September 2008
A Very Happy Raya to All
Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Raya is coming up in just a couple of days. So to all the people reading my blog.................. Happy Raya!!!!! Wahahahahahaha. Do you want to know why I'm doing this??? Okay, I'll tell you. But before I start I know some of you people are thinking " I didn't ask why you're doing this you're just telling us". So, I'd like you all to remove that thought. Okay, here goes. I'm doing this because many of my friends are asking when am I gonna send them Raya cards. I wanted to but time just wouldn't let me. So to save all the trouble ( and to prevent my friends from making an angry mob) I decided to send a virtual SELAMAT HARI RAYA announcement. I'm also doing this because some of my friends are refusing to give me their address so I can;t mail it to those who are living far from my reach. The reason they are refusing is because of a weird, maybe lame excuse: "If I give you my address, you'll bring your cousins and relatives and wipe out my live stock of food." See, don't worry I won't bring my cousins and relatives because even my family could do enough damage. If you're lucky I won't even go to your house.
So don't worry about your live stocks because surely you guys received hampers containing goods that are close to expiry so you'll be glad to let us finish the close to expiry food. But if you're mum were to make rendang, pulut, curry or other delicious Malay food you'll have to be careful. There's going to be a 90% chance I'm gonna rampage your house. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh, this doesn't include you guys staying overseas. You guys are lucky. Sheesh. But for locals, beware. Lastly have a pleasant Raya. Hope your food supply lasts for at least a day during open house.
So don't worry about your live stocks because surely you guys received hampers containing goods that are close to expiry so you'll be glad to let us finish the close to expiry food. But if you're mum were to make rendang, pulut, curry or other delicious Malay food you'll have to be careful. There's going to be a 90% chance I'm gonna rampage your house. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh, this doesn't include you guys staying overseas. You guys are lucky. Sheesh. But for locals, beware. Lastly have a pleasant Raya. Hope your food supply lasts for at least a day during open house.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
I'm so Bored!!!
Today I have nothing to blog about........ except what I'm typing now. It's just hard to find good things to talk about. AAAARGHHHGGRRAAAAGHGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK ...........................................................................................................................................................bye.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Up Late ........... Again
I'm here staying up late. And as you can see I have nothing to blog about because I'm just putting out words that make no sense. This was because my friends said that I didn't update my blog for a while. So I decided to post something at least once a week. Okay, so here's a story.
It was a late night. John Carbine was up late having a drink while watching a game. It was 3.00 a.m. As John knew he should not be staying up that long, but he just couldn't go to bed. Something was bothering him. Something eerie and suspicious. So through the night he kept on watching until he heard a small sound, so small that he thought it was just his imagination. The noise kept disturbing his concentration. He then check to see where the noise was coming from.
Suddenly, the noise started to get louder. The noise came in a weird pattern because it went slow at first and then suddenly fast. Then, it would come to a complete stop for precisely 2 seconds and continue its routine. John started feeling chilly. To his fear he was the only one able to hear the noise because it was as loud as someone banging a door with a hammer full of force.
In front of him three weird creatures appeared. They looked like they were pixels joined together forming a monster. The monster look just like a blob of spilled paint but it soon turned into a blade like form. The three monsters rushed at him, just like thrown swords coming at you. John ran from them but to his dissapointment there was a another one in front of his path. But something was different about this one. It was human like and took the form of a little boy standing.
The boy jumped at him and whispered" Don't be scared, Man, you're like a sissy running from those level monsters. And why were you dumb enough to stay this late." John just stared. He was to suprised and scared to talk. He finally asked," W....wh.....who a..are""Man, you're like the worst of the ones I've saved. Huh, just wield me for a sec and kill those 'things' would you?" answered the boy in a relaxed tone. He then turned into a dagger. He too looked like pixels formed together but the strangest thing was all that talk rushed into me mind in a split second.
John then took the boy unwillingly and charged at the monsters. His hand moved on its own and killed the monsters quickly. The boy turned back to human and said" See !!! That wasn't so hard. You're still shaking, huh. Well, bye for now." The boy jumped and dissappeared pixel by pixel.
John thought to himself."Who was that guy. And, why was he so calm."Later, far from the place John was in the boy thought to himself," I finally found me a team member. Finally," as he dashed through the night.
Inspired from,
Animal Genus.
How that story? Hope you like it. Bye.
It was a late night. John Carbine was up late having a drink while watching a game. It was 3.00 a.m. As John knew he should not be staying up that long, but he just couldn't go to bed. Something was bothering him. Something eerie and suspicious. So through the night he kept on watching until he heard a small sound, so small that he thought it was just his imagination. The noise kept disturbing his concentration. He then check to see where the noise was coming from.
Suddenly, the noise started to get louder. The noise came in a weird pattern because it went slow at first and then suddenly fast. Then, it would come to a complete stop for precisely 2 seconds and continue its routine. John started feeling chilly. To his fear he was the only one able to hear the noise because it was as loud as someone banging a door with a hammer full of force.
In front of him three weird creatures appeared. They looked like they were pixels joined together forming a monster. The monster look just like a blob of spilled paint but it soon turned into a blade like form. The three monsters rushed at him, just like thrown swords coming at you. John ran from them but to his dissapointment there was a another one in front of his path. But something was different about this one. It was human like and took the form of a little boy standing.
The boy jumped at him and whispered" Don't be scared, Man, you're like a sissy running from those level monsters. And why were you dumb enough to stay this late." John just stared. He was to suprised and scared to talk. He finally asked," W....wh.....who a..are""Man, you're like the worst of the ones I've saved. Huh, just wield me for a sec and kill those 'things' would you?" answered the boy in a relaxed tone. He then turned into a dagger. He too looked like pixels formed together but the strangest thing was all that talk rushed into me mind in a split second.
John then took the boy unwillingly and charged at the monsters. His hand moved on its own and killed the monsters quickly. The boy turned back to human and said" See !!! That wasn't so hard. You're still shaking, huh. Well, bye for now." The boy jumped and dissappeared pixel by pixel.
John thought to himself."Who was that guy. And, why was he so calm."Later, far from the place John was in the boy thought to himself," I finally found me a team member. Finally," as he dashed through the night.
Inspired from,
Animal Genus.
How that story? Hope you like it. Bye.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Hey, I'm back. Sorry, I've been gone for a few weeks.........or was it a month. Well, as you can see I'm back with new stuff to post and blog about. Maybe, I should blog about the plane model me and my friends have been working on. Well actually I wanted to post the pictures I took of my know the one I've been talking about so that you know I'm not braging about some imaginary gundam named RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type.
But the problem was finding the card reader and it really took my time. Yes, I'm still searching for the card reader. Right now I alone here bloging about this.
Oh, yeah about the plane model. Okay, first my teacher gave us an assighnment to bring used stuff like bottles and make planes out of them. It was for the school holiday so we didn't really bring the things needed. She (our teacher) gave us another chance to bring it and we dissapointed her again by not bringing anything.................again. Hahahaha. So one last chance and finally I decided to draw the plane and turn it into a model. With sweat and more sweat I designed the plane model working through the night. And finally, after a long period of time the drawing was complete. But I had just won the battle, how was I to celebrate my victory when the war is still to come. So then I started with measuring equipment to calculate and measure the lenght, weight and density of the paper model. To my horror it was only an imagination, I had not really even create the plane let alone measure the real lenght. So with my drooping eyes just waiting to fall asleep, I worked through the night until dawn, which was the time..................the time to finally triumph..................the time to finally celebrate the victory of the completion of my long hours of work, the plane model. The next day, I brought the designs to school to show it to my team members and of course creating the plane scaled model. And it was that time that I had brought a few items to help in succeeding the project. I brought 2 bottles and a piece of hard paper or drawing block paper. My friend brought polystrene. There we were working hard while my younger brother, jumping with joy doing all he wanted. It took us quite a hard time putting it together because most of the measurement weren't really fiting the draft. There I had to improvise on the tools I had and the time I had. The model was finally complete with the help of the useful..............................DUCT TAPE!!! Yes duct tape really helped because most of the tape we used didn't stick. It was weird how come the tape that is so powerful to hold a pipe in place unable to stick polystrene to a bottle. It was quite a hard time indeed.
The day after that, we displayed or plane. It's capabilities were the ability to be undetected by radar, speed up to mach 5(5000 km/p) and cloaking. But when the question that came up was whgt was the real abilities of the model plane not the imaginary plane...................... my conclusion was "It uses DUCT TAPE!!! Lots of it!!!".
Because the other teams had not completed their plane (it's actually only one team) the taecher gave them time to complete the plane. So, my team mates decided to paint and add colours to the plane since we had 5 days to send it up again.
So that's the story. I'm still painting it with a friend who was kind enough to help ( unlike my younger brother). We're still waiting for the results of paper mashe. Then we're going to spray it black. Cool huh. Well that's all. Bye. Bye. Bye.
But the problem was finding the card reader and it really took my time. Yes, I'm still searching for the card reader. Right now I alone here bloging about this.
Oh, yeah about the plane model. Okay, first my teacher gave us an assighnment to bring used stuff like bottles and make planes out of them. It was for the school holiday so we didn't really bring the things needed. She (our teacher) gave us another chance to bring it and we dissapointed her again by not bringing anything.................again. Hahahaha. So one last chance and finally I decided to draw the plane and turn it into a model. With sweat and more sweat I designed the plane model working through the night. And finally, after a long period of time the drawing was complete. But I had just won the battle, how was I to celebrate my victory when the war is still to come. So then I started with measuring equipment to calculate and measure the lenght, weight and density of the paper model. To my horror it was only an imagination, I had not really even create the plane let alone measure the real lenght. So with my drooping eyes just waiting to fall asleep, I worked through the night until dawn, which was the time..................the time to finally triumph..................the time to finally celebrate the victory of the completion of my long hours of work, the plane model. The next day, I brought the designs to school to show it to my team members and of course creating the plane scaled model. And it was that time that I had brought a few items to help in succeeding the project. I brought 2 bottles and a piece of hard paper or drawing block paper. My friend brought polystrene. There we were working hard while my younger brother, jumping with joy doing all he wanted. It took us quite a hard time putting it together because most of the measurement weren't really fiting the draft. There I had to improvise on the tools I had and the time I had. The model was finally complete with the help of the useful..............................DUCT TAPE!!! Yes duct tape really helped because most of the tape we used didn't stick. It was weird how come the tape that is so powerful to hold a pipe in place unable to stick polystrene to a bottle. It was quite a hard time indeed.
The day after that, we displayed or plane. It's capabilities were the ability to be undetected by radar, speed up to mach 5(5000 km/p) and cloaking. But when the question that came up was whgt was the real abilities of the model plane not the imaginary plane...................... my conclusion was "It uses DUCT TAPE!!! Lots of it!!!".
Because the other teams had not completed their plane (it's actually only one team) the taecher gave them time to complete the plane. So, my team mates decided to paint and add colours to the plane since we had 5 days to send it up again.
So that's the story. I'm still painting it with a friend who was kind enough to help ( unlike my younger brother). We're still waiting for the results of paper mashe. Then we're going to spray it black. Cool huh. Well that's all. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
I love Gundams just like my elder and younger bros. But I thank it all to my elder bro for introducing Gundams to me. Last time I used to buy Hotwheels, Transformers even Sesame Street dolls but when Gundams came to me it knocked me of my feet and I lost my consiousness. When I woke up Gundam was there waiting for me to buy it for RM 150.90 in Toys World. But with a reluctant heart I sadly turned away hoping to forget about Gundams for the price was the only thing dividing us. The next day I was alright. I shed a few tears for the memory of the Gundam but I soon forgot about it during breakfast. Suddenly my elder bro came zooming in with a Gundam so beautiful I almost fainted for the second time but my first experience kept my awake. The light was so intense it felt like boulders crushing me for that was the time the memory of the beautiful Gundam still waiting for me to buy it came rushing to my head. I cried for 4 whole hours remembering the Gundam. As days passed by I forgot and my bro reminded. That was the daily routine we went through until Hari Raya came. That was the time of triumph for me because the money I received was more than enough to cover the expenses of the Gundam I have long awaited. Soon enough that day the Gundam was with me in my hands waiting for me put it together. I cherished every minute, every second was precious. And soon enough, after 2 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds the Gundam was there standing tall. Tears filled my eyes. We were finally together.
So that's the story....... you wouldn't want to know how I got 2 more cause that story would be to long it could be turned into a Novel. Lastly, I thank my bro again.
So that's the story....... you wouldn't want to know how I got 2 more cause that story would be to long it could be turned into a Novel. Lastly, I thank my bro again.
No One....
Why doesn't anyone post comments one my posts.......why can't you write something. If it is BORING than at least write:
Your blog........STINKS!!!! Big time.
I hate it..... all you ever talk about is.....well......IRON MAN.
or the most simple is
It's so boring that I can't even write a comment.
See, it's so simple. So if you do comment maybe I'll put more interesting things.
Just kidding I just see it's so boring without any comments..........but the good thing is that I know the hardly anyone checks this blog. So I'm not that exposed. But at last I want to give my special thanks to skewer for posting a few (I think it was a few) comments on some of my posts.
and I would like to thank my elder bro who has been advertising , my blog and to my sis to
THANKS GUYS ( and girl I guess for my sis)
Your blog........STINKS!!!! Big time.
I hate it..... all you ever talk about is.....well......IRON MAN.
or the most simple is
It's so boring that I can't even write a comment.
See, it's so simple. So if you do comment maybe I'll put more interesting things.
Just kidding I just see it's so boring without any comments..........but the good thing is that I know the hardly anyone checks this blog. So I'm not that exposed. But at last I want to give my special thanks to skewer for posting a few (I think it was a few) comments on some of my posts.
and I would like to thank my elder bro who has been advertising , my blog and to my sis to
THANKS GUYS ( and girl I guess for my sis)
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Gonna buy Giroro

Yeah I'm gonna buy Giroro Rounin. It's so nice cause the armor looks much better than the original. Besides that the weapons look so much better. The machine gun in a form of a sword, the bazooka in a form of a bazooka (but olden style) and a really shiny sword. Ohhhh, it's soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice and I'm gonna buy it.

There's the picture up there. Cool, huh!!!!! You can check it out at There's other Keroro Gunsou models and other products.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Have you ever wanted excuses to not exercise? Well here are some excuses:
If someone asks you to go on a diet say:
Did you know DIET is DIE with a T.
or say:
The fridge ask me to eat.
or say:
I can't diet for medical makes me hungry.
If you are eating and someone asks you to stop eating so much say:
Once my eating gains momentum its hard to stop.
If someone tells you you're over weight say:
I'm not over weight everyone else is under-nourished
or say:
I'm not over weight, I'm just under tall.
If someone asks you when are you going to exercise say:
When the gym puts up a snack bar.
So I hope you can use these excuses when those answers are asked.
If someone asks you to go on a diet say:
Did you know DIET is DIE with a T.
or say:
The fridge ask me to eat.
or say:
I can't diet for medical makes me hungry.
If you are eating and someone asks you to stop eating so much say:
Once my eating gains momentum its hard to stop.
If someone tells you you're over weight say:
I'm not over weight everyone else is under-nourished
or say:
I'm not over weight, I'm just under tall.
If someone asks you when are you going to exercise say:
When the gym puts up a snack bar.
So I hope you can use these excuses when those answers are asked.
As Always.....
China won in the Olympic for badminton...... as always. I know that this news is quite old because the match was on Sunday but I forgot to update my blog for the latest news about my favourite sport badminton. (Men singles) They now have........ well I don't know the facts but they have a lot of Gold medals.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
The TV Programs
Now that the olympics were on I didn't really have much time updating my blog and watching Sergeant Keroro. What's shocking is China is in the lead with 26 GOLD MEDALS and climbing. They are sure to win this year's olympics. I watched the game between China and Indonesia and Indonesia won (Woman's singles). But sadly, still no gold medals for Indonesia or some other countries I missed out. The worst part is I've missed almost all Sergeant Keroro episodes these 2 weeks. GAH!!!!!
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Just Finished My Exams
Just finished my exams but I had to take math again because almost everyone failed (it was really hard). So I took my math test and I'm still waiting for my results. By the way I hate math. SOOOOOOO So SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much. HATE IT!!!
My Bro comin' home
Yeah, I'm so glad he finally finished his univercity years and come back here and stay with us. But this maybe the only time he'll come back if he starts working. It's really hard. So he'll come back and we will be a happy family again.........=D.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Somehing Funny
Tarnslation is know really....I'll show you
You see some titles translated to Bahasa Malaysia (direct translation)
-Harry Potter: Pembuat pasu berbulu.....which means: Someone who makes pots who is hairy. LOL
You see some titles translated to Bahasa Malaysia (direct translation)
-Harry Potter: Pembuat pasu berbulu.....which means: Someone who makes pots who is hairy. LOL
Friday, 1 August 2008
I got over it
Yes I got over the pain of the stolen things. Still I have another computer (its slower than the stolen one) so that's why I can still post stuff here.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
I wish Iron Man could take them out........ then I'd have my revenge. Anyway, I just completed my first drawing (I know it took a long time) so once I get the scanner going I'll post it up. I'm looking forward to it.
As you can see I'm mad.............. Yup I'm mad cause my house got robbed. They stole something.... But I'm just so frustrated because the stuff they stole did not belong to me...... they valuable too....... @#!!*//>>/.!@%**&&!.... good thing I censored those words cause........... WOAH!!!!
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Posting Jokes
I think my blogs' kindda boring so I think I'll add some jokes. There will be no dirty jokes so its quite safe. Though I don't know if they hurt people's feelings....................Oh well, never mind maybe I'll start with 2 jokes and see how it goes.
Staying Up
Tonight or this morning I'm staying up late. Just editing my warcraft map and, WOW the time it flew by with afterburners and boosters. So I think I'll just post this last thing. Maybe I'll post again tomorrow. Oh, try imagining Iron Man's suit with the colur dark blue and gold. Pretty neat huh.............. it looks cool to ME!!! Anyway I'm going to bed. Get some good rest. Good night to you to if you stay up late. GOOD NIGHT.

This is Time>>>>>

This is Time>>>>>
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
I Love...........Drawing
I don't love anyone else but my family so don't think of anything else. Anyway, I do love drawing. Maybe I'll post my drawings on this blog. The usual drawings I post up will be about robots.......................Robots....................ROBOTS!!!!! So I don't blame you if you get bored of them.

For the games I like..... they are starcraft, warcraft, maplestory and Iron Man. These are the games I play the most..... they're not the only games.
Iron Silver

I wonder.............
I wonder....... how it will be like in the University student. Sometimes I even wonder if I will get there due to my studying problem. I wonder ............... how it will feel like to get a job. Maybe the stress comes in but maybe I will know. I would it be like in an International Gaming Competition. Maybe I'll go and compete when if I have the time. I wonder about so many things in life. But they will soon come.
About myself
Farid here. I'm still a kid. Still schooling. Still doing what kids do. My hobbies? Well I'll just say I like art, not much of a reader and I like to spend time on the computer. In studying I'm not that good. My favourite food I will keep to myself and anything else I didn't mention.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
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